I have just clean shaved first time in a long time I have had ingrown hairs well I think they are and are these scars that are left behind from them?
Shaved and have these: I have just clean... - Men's Health Forum
Shaved and have these

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Razor rash , don’t worry about it , use a body lotion for 3 days and they will go away , and next time use proper razors and shave downwards always not upwards.
Nice one yes I shave upwards so will do that next time what lotion shall I use?
When you shave upwards you always get big rash , weather its face armpits or genital area , always Downwards , any body lotion will suit .
Please apply antibiotic cream with hydrocortisone

What type of antibiotic cream?
Neosporin H
Use coconut oil it will go next time use hair remover use I use all the time so I look smooth good kuck
From the pic, I can tell you have a couple of blackheads and just ingrown hairs. Just try some exfoliating scrub after you shave and you should be just fine.
EZ solution. Quit shaving.
Always use baby oil after you shave stops the rash I get waxed every 6mths or so ,so when you shave in-between it stops the rash get crack done at the same time as a naturist you look very smooth
You can also use aloe vera gel (natural gel to moisturize the area while the rash heals)
most likely ..use toner creams they should bring them back to normal.
Next time moisturise a couple of times b4 u shave as well as after it won't irritate as much baby oil is an easy and good way to do it much cheaper than a lot of fancy stuff