hey im Levi, recently I masturbated in the shower in the dark, I reached down to pump some lube but accidentally got shampoo instead, i didnt realised untill a few seconds after and i had intense burning, of course. (Yes now thinking of it this whole idea was idiotic) While i was jerking off i was pretty rough with my penis i was pushing down on it from the head (diagram drawn to explain) and also ended up getting a tear in my foreskin. I treated the tear normally and cleaned everything. The next morning i woke up and had an erection, i reached down and touched the base of my shaft on my groin and it was pretty painful, i also had pain on my foreskin near where i tore it. It hurt to touch as did the base of my shaft. Fast foward to now and where i tore my penis on the foreskin has become swollen and painful, its hard to pull my foreskin back now.
anyone know what this is? and can anyone help? PS. i have phimosis