Hey I had this for two weeks and it's getting annoying. It's not sore when walked on or random pain it only hurts really bad if touched. I tried cutting it out but the pain was to much
Ingrown toenail: Hey I had this for two... - Men's Health Forum
Ingrown toenail
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I had that for the longest time. Very painful if touched. I used to cut it deep and rip it out with tweezers. Crap that hurt but felt so good. But that was only temporary relief. I eventually went to the dr and had it removed but he told me chances are it might grow back. So for at least a month I soaked it in Epsom salt which softened the nail enough to let it grow normal and I also wore looser footwear. The footwear is very important because if you think about it you’re in that shoe/sneaker for hours and if it’s too tight it’s putting unnecessary pressure on that big toe forcing the nail to grow “crooked”.
Ok thanks
what would be the best way to take it out at home or do i have to go to the doctors?
Get cotton pads/balls and lift the toenail up a little and place under. It is to separate the nail from toe and soak in espom salt. I had same problem but left it to long so had to get nail surgery on both toes and only part of the nail grew back so would NOT recommend leaving it alone it will NOT get better on its own
I have the same problem for years, mines from working at a desk leaning forward on my toes it's really soar. I cut the end of the nail off and it gets better for a few months until it grows back then i but it off again
You will probably need Surgery, local anaesthetic and quite quick.
A little cotton wool in fucedin ointment or vaseline under the nail will encourage it to grow up and out.