Hey my name is Jacob I am 12 years old and my foreskin is stuck around the middle of the head of my penis it doesn't hurt when I piss but recently a white liquid has came out from under my foreskin I have been to the hospital once but all they said was it will come undone in a few months and it has been over 6 months and nothing has changed but when I try pull it back below the head I can not and it hurts badly and it hurts the next day asswell please respond asap
Foreskin: Hey my name is Jacob I am 1... - Men's Health Forum

Hi Jacob,
It sounds like it might be infected, I would speak to your parents and take a trip to the doctors to get it checked out. The doctor may refer you to a specialist (a urologist) at the hospital to get more investigations done with the foreskin issue but at your age it is normal for the foreskin to be still attached to the glans. Make sure you’re cleaning properly with warm water and soap to ensure bacteria etc are killed, but by the white fluid and the pain, it may be infected.
Good luck,
How can I clean it because I can't get behind the head?
It was meant in more of a general term to keep your penis clean to help clear and prevent any bacteria.
Also I did go to a urologist and they said it is fine and it will retract in a couple months but nothing has happend
When you were born, your foreskin was firmly afixed to the glans to provide protection against bacteria. The bind naturally loosens in most cases by puberty. Yours may be a bit late, but it’s not serious. If you attempt retraction regularly and frequently, thus applying some gentle tension, it should eventually begin to release. If your able to get your thumbs on two sides of the adhesion, try pulling them apart gently, but firmly. At this point in time, there is no pressing need for full retraction, so take your time.
Whereas your advice to Jacob is very good, I seriously suggest that he should first visit his doctor (or a nurse) at his local GP practice. Today there is a steroid cream which, when topically applied to the foreskin, will loosen its flexibility, thereby allowing it to retract much more freely.
In my day, but as an adult, I visited my doctor with the same condition Jacob is experiencing. Steroid cream was not available and she immediately referred me to a urologist for circumcision.
The white seepage you speak of is probably nothing more than stale smegma - fatty skin deposits after real and beneficial 'smegma' has done its job. It's nothing to worry about at all.
Definitely go back and see your doctor if you are worried. It won't hurt to have a check up and it's better to be safe than sorry.
I had the same problem before I was Circumcised.ask your parents to take You to the doctor first have that checked out before anything.but slowly get ur fore skin used to being retracted. skin is stretchy it will get used to being up n down.
I think that white liquid could be your pre-cum. For the other problem, I think keep trying to make it looser. I did this exercise when I was still in China. When I wank, first I make my dick fully erect, then slide my foreskin up and down over the corona and tip of my glans head until pre-orgasm, then stretch it sideways left and right at the same time. I can now slide it right back with glans fully uncovered. I keep stretching the foreskin like that, up and down, side to side, until I finally start to orgasm and the sperm shoots out.
You're 12... you don't need to be able to retract your foreskin yet. I wasn't but able to do until 16. You just got to be not afraid to stretch the skin. And are you sure that white stuff isn't semen. You're at the age of puberty. Ask your mom maybe if it's just semen.