Hello im 16 and i just cant pull my foreskin back i think i might be able to when flacid but when i start to pull it it starts to feel wierd not really lile its hurting hard to explaim amd when its erect i cant get close to pulling it. My girlfriend is coming over the weekend and we were talking and she wanted to give me a blowjob my question is what should i do amd does peoples penis just pull back easily for the first time or do you have to force it a little
Foreskin: Hello im 16 and i just cant... - Men's Health Forum

Well, if she goes ahead with plans, explain to her that retraction isn’t possible. Consumation shouldn’t be a problem with the foreskin forward. I recommend that you begin stretching exercised to loosen the opening. Insert two fingers into to opening and gently pull it apart. Hold that grip for five minutes, and repeat four times per day. It’s easy and highly fixable.
Ask her to give blowjob using steroid cream. Later you may have to go for circumcision.
Hey, I have to be honest with you. This is called phimosis (tight foreskin). If you can see a little bit of your penis head, then you can do streching but if you can't see a head of you penis, you'll probably need a circumcision. I'm 17 years old and I had the same problem, I had a really tight foreskin. It's my 3rd week being circumcised and I feel great. The point is that if you wanna do streching, it can take up to a 6-8 months to see final resluts. After circumcision you can already have sex after 6 weeks. And also women enjoy to give blowjobs to circumcised penises, because they have more shape and they are cleaner.
Loads of posts on here about this. As has been suggested, stretching and steroid creams can help. My advice would be wait and see how you get on. Circumcision is a big step not to be taken into lightly. I could not pull back fully until I was in my twenties and even then it did not come back naturally. Sex was never a problem, oral or otherwise. There are lots of nerve endings in the skin so plenty of sensation. Maybe because of not pulling back, I am not sure but I was able to last ages without cuming. Always an advantage with wives and girlfriends ! Now I am circumcised I preferred it before, but that is my opinion.
Enjoy all aspects of sex with your partner and do not stress about what or may not happen. Make sure it is what you both want and it is always good to give and to receive.
So youre saying its not a problem having sex and oral with not being able to pull the skin? I can see a bit of the penis head and when im flaccid i can see alot of it but i cant fit my fingers in amd i dont want to force it . Any streching techniques amd how often should i do them and do you think girls expect u to be able to pull back the skin
Yes, you can have sex as you are. The girl probably has no expectations and won’t care. If you can’t get two fingers inside, use one to start, moving up to a larger finger as progress is made. If one won’t fit, try Q-tips or something similar to pull the opening apart. Do not cave into advice for getting circumcised. There are rich nerves in your foreskin to impart another layer ov pleasure from sex, and they would be lost. To fix the tightness might take up to two months if you’re diligent and stick to the schedule.
Personally I would not use Qtips or similar, I advice fingers only. Just pulling the foreskin gently daily whilst in the bath or shower, cortisone creams can also help. No, not pulling back will not make any difference. I had great sex without it. Girl Friend, now Wife, not bothered either way. I have three children so it makes no difference there either.
It ain't what you got it's the way that you use it !
Good Luck