I'm 16 and I've never been able to pull back my foreskin lower than the head of my penis. Normally when I try, it only goes back to the point where the skin makes a small hole. I read about streatching the skin three times a day and I have been doing so for more than a week but it hasn't worked. The farthest I've been able to pull it back was about halfway down the head when I stretched for about 3 continuous minutes but then the skin goes back to normal just a few minutes later every time. Should I be worried?
Foreskin won't retract: I'm 16 and I've... - Men's Health Forum
Foreskin won't retract

You have what is called phimosis. It can be fixed though, with cricumcision!
Nothing to worry about but something to bring up with a doctor. A steroid cream can be tried as well as the stretching sometimes it works sometimes the only option is circumcision
When done properly, stretching is always successful. willywellbeing.com
Have to disagree, sorry. From first hand experience. If there is any scar tissue around the foreskin from phimosis then stretching may not work

How do you explain the stretching of the scar tissue of circumcised babies over a lifetime, or the scar tissue of circumcised men as they get erections, causing the circular scars on the shafts to increase in diameter. You can’t except to agree that scars offer no resistance to stretching. Furthermore, very few intact men have scar tissue on their foreskins. All circumcised men do.
It would depend greatly on the direction of the scars whether length way or circular. Furthermore I wasn't talking about everyone else I was offering an opinion from personal experience to help with information. I wasn't merely saying this is always the case. Hence the from first hand experience comment of my reply. But thank you for your input, much appreciated.

Circumcision scars encompass the shaft, and by design they must expand with erections. Your theory is wrong. Whatever personal experience you had is not based upon proper application of tension. The process by which mytosis is encouraged is well understood and proven. Your own adult body is living proof that skin will expand under tension. If it were not true, obese people would explode.
So because someone has a different opinion they are wrong. Again I disagree having used the stretching exercises for more than a suitable amount of time due to suffering from a young age the process didn't work for me. So my 'theory' isn't wrong the process didn't work. Scars are tougher which is very widely known and explained by many therefore yes the skin will have less elasticity. Fact. The scars I had on my foreskin were massively different to the scars from a circumcision. They also cause the skin to swell and anyone with any kind of knowledge will know that with swelling there is also less elasticity with the skin. Permanent swelling combined with multiply scarring meant the stretching plus creams on offer did not work. You can not comment on someone else's personal experience. So with all due respect you're entitled to your opinion but just because someone gives another opinion does not give you the right to dismiss without having more knowledge or information about it in the first instance

You have an opinion. I have 30 years of experience working with scores of intact men. There’s a vast difference. Science and real life support my experiences, while you have a singular experience with no professional coaching. What you report herein could have been overcome without surgery.
As I said you haven't met something like this in you vast experience so can not comment on the last 14 years of my singular experience. And as you'll see I haven't said it doesn't work I said it didn't work for me a big difference. With your 30 years of experiences you will have learnt that everyone's body is different and reacts differently. So again therefore without having looked at someone's case specifically you can not comment of someone's personal experience

You may try to justify your desire for circumcision, but science does not suport your rationalization. You have legitimate physical need, so please be honestvin recognizing that your motivation is emotionally and psychological driven. In your mind, you have developed a need for circumcision, so all of your actions and desires exist to satisfy that need. I recognize that, to you, you are right. Science of the mind supports your thoughts, while physical science does not and cannot. Do whatever floats your boat.
Again I disagree there is not a shred of emotional thought to my decision. My decision was made for me as science dictated my situation could not be changed by other remedies. Your constant need to tell me I'm wrong is quite sad considering you have no idea of my individual situation. As I have said over and over again. At no point have I said the science and theory etc doesn't work. I'm saying it DIDN'T work for me. It was tried and tested and failed in my situation. And as I said AGAIN I tried for 14 years and it did not succeed. So give up and move one trying to allegedly 'educate' someone else

Disagree all you want. That you failed to achieve success no matter it took does not change the truth that it would have under proper supervision and application. That success might have taken 15 years, but
you’ll never know. If you have a change of heart, I stand ready to coach you at willywellbeing.com
Absolute joker!

Tbh, it is harder to stretch scar tissue, bit it can still be done, stretching should always be your first approach, steroid cream will help but its not necessary. If you have any new scars on the foreskin, you should wait until these have fully healed has you could rip them again causing the skin to heal tighter.

This guy was harassing me in my post too! Saying I had some type of body dysmorphia because I was getting the procedure done 😂
True to a degree. Teens properly applying the techniques of skin expansion have the advantage of aggressive stem cells which bring results fast. An average teen should find success in 2-6 months unless pinhole phimosis is present. Even then, success is achievable. Phimocure rings are getting phenominal results. In light of present knowledge, onlyba complete fool would submit to circumcision. The number of guys posting here with complications should scare the crap out of anyone considering it. Stretching gets result without causing the myriad problems discussed here, and it does so painlessly.
All I would say is don't be worried there are many solutions out there. Some less invasive than others. Be open to all and be happy to talk to professionals about it and be willing to explore all avenues there is a lot of information out there so do your own research as well to make an informed decision that isn't swayed by anyone with a bias point of view

Following on the bias parts, make sure to check you are getting information from reliable sites, I recommend no american sites as they don’t explain it well enough in my experience. Plus they are usually extremely biased.
They don’t provide enough info on the drawbacks and risks, and they still say their is benefits to infant circumcision which just isn’t true.
Dude, you haven’t done the stretching long enough yet. Grab hold of each side of the opening and pull for five minutes. Do it four times each day and don’t give up. willywellbeing.com