Hello, i tried to have my first sex a couple days ago, but after MANY random erections when hugging my girlfriend (for two days), I just couldn't get aroused when I finally wanted to. I am confident fit guy, with my gf being lower League than me (sorry if it's rude, but is just like I am not super nervous or embarrassed). Age 20. Now I think I may suffer from over masturbation, cause I usually work on PC and sometimes I masturbated up to like 10 times a day. Before this weekend with my gf I didn't masturbate for like three days and when I desperately needed that erection I tried masturbating and I ejaculated after like 10 secs without only getting half erection. I even told her "sorry I am out of stamina", we tried it with my half erection, didn't work. I got strong self-control so I will quit masturbation needed. But I am not super happy about telling this to my doc. I do not take any medication, only small amount of whey protein. I eat very healthy food, don't drink or smoke (never did), workout 4 times a week.
I am happy for any advice, I can provide more info if needed.