Circumcision : Hi guys! I'm about to... - Men's Health Forum

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Dim95 profile image
22 Replies

Hi guys! I'm about to undergo a full circumcision next month due to phimosis and I'd like to know from you veterans out there how to treat the wound the best way so that the healing process will go as smooth as possible.

In addition to what my doc has to suggest, I'd like to know your opinion and ways of treatment (salt baths, gauze, tight underwear, erections, etc..).

Thanks :)

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Dim95 profile image
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22 Replies
CharlieR profile image

On my 5th day post surgery now, to be honest before I had it done I was reading articles where people was having a bad experience with the circumcision.

From my experience it’s not really that painful, it’s more uncomfortable because of the sensitivity, I had BXO Phimosis for my whole life (18 Year’s) and you can imagine how sensitive it would be after the head of the penis never been seen or had air to it.

My bandage fell off in my sleep a whole day after the surgery and on the 3rd day I was boiling a kettle and putting salt in the water and letting the water go warm so the salt dissolved.

It says dab the penis but in my case I couldn’t because it is too sensitive, so the little cleaning pads they give you I drop into the salt water and then squeeze the water out and hold it very close to the wound and let it drip round so it gives it a clean and gives it some protection from any infection happening.

I can’t wear anything yet as the sensitivity is crazy at the moment but as the days are going on it’s getting a lot easier.

In my opinion wearing another gauze after the original one has fell off really delays things, in order to lose the sensitivity the head needs to be exposed to the air, over a course of 3 weeks it’s meant to build a protection layer (so will be less sensitive),

For the elections, I haven’t suffered any bad pain, it’s more uncomfortable than anything.

Swelling really depends on how long your body takes to recover from the surgery, I’ve read from a few days to even 6-8 months in bad cases.

Having circumcision will definitely benefit you trust me, it’s all worth it in the end :)

Daz81 profile image
Daz81 in reply to CharlieR

Nice to hear how others are going on. I had mine 10 days ago. Bruising now settling down.

As for erections, I've found this the most painful part. I think it depends if you are a shower or a grower. If your cock is a fair size when flacid the stitches have not got to stretch as much when you get a hard on as they do if you have a smaller flacid one which grows considerably when erect.

Hope all goes well in the future.

CharlieR profile image
CharlieR in reply to Daz81

Have you had a bath yet? Can you wear any underwear too?

Daz81 profile image
Daz81 in reply to CharlieR

Wore boxers from day 1. Had shower daily since 48 hours after op. I give it a good clean in shower then clean couple times a day in between with cotton wool and salt water.

Being extra cautious as I'm diabetic so higher risk of infection.

I'm also overweight which makes my dick quiet buried when soft so another potential for infection.

Been poorly with stomach pain and bloating since Friday but maybe not linked to op. Going to docs in the morning.

Now the bruising has gone I'm quiet pleased with how my little soldier looks!

CharlieR profile image
CharlieR in reply to Daz81

Im on the 5th day, erections aren’t really a problem at the moment, uncomfortable but it’s true what you said if your a grower or a shower,

is it also normal when you bleed the blood dries and goes a black/red colour too?

I still can’t wear any underwear yet, so annoying

Gnikow profile image
Gnikow in reply to CharlieR

Charlie, thanks for this but just out of interest what would you suggest for someone that needs to work shortly after the operation? Unfortunately I won’t have the luxury of being able to lay naked on my bed for a week or two! Lol.. I’ll only have 3 or 4 days

CharlieR profile image
CharlieR in reply to Gnikow

Put tight fitting boxers on and get so much sleep and regular pain killers :)

Cipher profile image
Cipher in reply to Gnikow

TIght boxers that keep your dick and balls in position. Put a gauze with vaseline in your boxers over the circumcised head to help soften the rubbing of the penis glans. Medical/pure vaseline, no fragrance or supermarket shizz (those usually have some extra stuff in it that you do not want).

Dim95 profile image
Dim95 in reply to CharlieR

Thanks man ;)

Slimey profile image

I'm on 4 weeks 3 days now and I was circumcised under local anaesthetic and not general. (I went to the doc at 8am and left at 9am the same day lol)

I wore underwear from day 1 because I really wanted to get used to it as fast as possible. I had very bad phimosis so it was very uncomfortable on day 3 when I first removed the gauze the doctor put on and for the same reason as I wore underwear I didn't put on another gauze.

When I moved around at first it was very uncomfortable but it passed quite quickly but it took until Maybe week 2-3 before I could jog a little and run up stairs etc.

For the erections part I can't really help you because for the first week and a half I didn't have a single erection. I think that was because I was feeling very down after the op. but even when I started to get erections they didn't really hurt but was just uncomfortable.

I had a problem (and still do a little tiny bit) where it would get stuck to my underwear which was/is very uncomfortable and quite painful, but now I use vaseline and it doesn't get stuck but I can feel that it would if I didn't use vaseline.

A quick tip, when you first remove the gauze that you are supposed to wear for 2 days then remove it in the shower, do it very slowly and gently because when I removed it it had gotten stuck the glans and it was so painful that I passed out but in the process I manaed to tell for help from my mom lol.

Good luck and nothing but food wishes!

Dim95 profile image
Dim95 in reply to Slimey

Thank you mate!

jimfromcalif profile image

Have you attempted to correct the phimosis yourself by stretching?

Dim95 profile image
Dim95 in reply to jimfromcalif

Yes, I'd done manual stretching for over a year + used betamethasone for some period and all together it helped, but the moment I stopped doing it (cuz it took too much time from my daily life), it would become tight again.

Now my problem is that I have mild phimosis, so the only time I'm not able to retract my foreskin over the glans is when erect and it just brings too much pain during the intercourse + it can cause paraphimosis.

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to Dim95

Sometimes the use of betamethasone cause susceptibilty to yeast inections. Yeast can cause a retightening to occur. Are you deadset to have the circumcision?

Dim95 profile image
Dim95 in reply to jimfromcalif

Yeah, I postponed it for too long hoping there will be some sort of a miracle (constant stretching - by doing it right of course) and it all becomes normal - but it's the other way around.

It affects my daily life in too many aspects - it's all about it.. I'm only 22 and it's not supposed to be that way..

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to Dim95

I'm willing to coach you through the process if you'd really like to save your foreskin. It could be as simple as curing a yeast infection.

Slimey profile image
Slimey in reply to jimfromcalif

Stretching dies NOT work for every one and if he says he tried it with and without creams for over a year it most likely won't work no matter how hard you try.

All you are doing now is making it harder for him to make a decision. It's not like you can't live without a foreskin.

Dim95 profile image
Dim95 in reply to Slimey

You're right, Slimey - it's not a decision I've come to over a night.

It took me a lot of time to research this aspect, pros and cons of the circumcision, stretching benefits (not necessarily works for everyone), I've done some myself for a really long period of time, and there was a bit of a change but nothing significant, and moreover, the moment I stop, it goes back to what it was before.. Pure frustration

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to Dim95

It’s your choice.

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to Slimey

The body is programed such that, in absence of a skin disease, such as a yeast infection, the skin and mucosa will always respond to tension by expanding through cell division. Because of the lack of a substructure which would also need expansion, the foreskin responds more easily. Skin expansion techniques are widely used on burn victims and mastectomy patients. in a nutshell, it’s very effective for relieving a tight frenar band. A similar process allows the body to grow from infancy to adulthood.

mpd052 profile image

-Stay healthy before and after Op

-Avoid erection

-Ask for antibiotics

-Stay clean and dry

-Calm and Patience (these are the most difficult for me)

I’m on my second week and I hope all goes OK

Dim95 profile image
Dim95 in reply to mpd052

Thanks man!

Quick recovery and I hope you'll get better soon.

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