Hi there,
I am 5 days post adult circumcision due to severe phimosis. I had tried all other conventional treatments to no effect prior to my eventual circumcision.
I guess I am reaching out just to talk to others that have had the same procedure in their adult life. The actual surgical side of things was fine, had it under GA and I have had very little pain (mostly just discomfort from the newly exposed glans and stitches rubbing on things). What I didn’t prepare for was the psychological toll of having this procedure done.
To me, it is an absolute horror show down there. Everything is swollen, especially below the surgical site (i.e. the shaft) and around the back below the frenulum (my frenulum was left intact). The swelling has showed no sign of reducing, I’m terrified there is something wrong and I can’t see how this clusterfuck of swelling, stitches and bruising will ever look normal. The only positive is currently there are no signs of infection and the wound itself looks fine (I have topical AB ointment to apply twice daily).
I have also made the mistake of reading far too many forums where everyone’s healing was super fast and by day 5 everything was fine, there was no swelling and everything was looking great.
I was already ashamed of my manhood, multiply that by 1 million and that’s how I’m now feeling about things down there. I’m convinced there is something massively wrong and that I’ll have to live with my current Frankencock for the rest of my life.
I guess I just need to vent what I’m feeling, because it’s hardly a topic you can bring up at the pub. I am too ashamed/terrified to show my partner and of course she inevitably tells me not to worry and it will be ok.
Any insights would be much appreciated.