I have a question I wana ask? Do you think i have hairy legs? And if I should shave them?
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Yes I say you do have quite hairy legs but it’s nothing to be ashamed of, everybody gets hairy legs, you do what you want to do it’s your opinion.
Thanks i appreciate it. So I take it you have hairy legs too then?
You shave your legs time to time. And lol what about in other places? what about shaving that aha lol
Don’t shave your legs lol. Most women find it attractive anyway but for the love of god make sure you shave everywhere else.

Okay lol then I wont shave my legs lol. Appreciate the feed back. And lol that's another conversation right there I'm all natural down there bro lol.

What about you bro? Do you shave the pubic region?
sometimes I do sometimes I don’t
Is there something about your hairy legs that dislike? Or like? Personally I think it's each to there own. I quite like having hairy legs myself.
I personally like the smooth look from the eye brow down
I think it makes sense if you want to trim but I wouldn’t full on shave it. I’m a grown man, I like having a beard and a hairy penis and furry legs and chest hair