Please help! About to go onto my 10th day after my circumcision. On the 7th day I discovered an infection which was half the size of what it is right now though also on the 7th day I started taking prescribed antibiotics. I bathe in warm non soapy water everyday and also a couple times have been putting a cup of salt in the bath too. Would appreciate any feedback on any tips of recovering faster and also getting this away ASAP! Thank you!
Post circumcision infection, mucus, not... - Men's Health Forum
Post circumcision infection, mucus, not really showing signs of disappearing!
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Thanks a bunch for the reply. I’ve been scrolling and seeing other photos and my infection is underneath my new skin😂I’ll try that now!
I started on antibiotics the day after surgery when I was discharged. I'm 10 days post surgery now too, still feeling pain as I had to undergo 2 other procedures - 1 involving the entire penis to be de-gloved. I'm confident the procedure involving the de-gloving is the cause of my associated pain.
I have no infection and seem to be healing pretty well. As I had researched, apparently baths are not good, so I would probably suggest showering instead as I have been. I was also told not to directly wash the affected areas with sutures, instead just to let soapy water wash over it as well as ensuring it's dried with a fresh towel every time.
I've been going through so much laundry - washing etc, although it's worth it. I've also found wearing tighter undies feel more comfortable and decrease getting too hot and perspire down there.
I've also found personally using no cream and or lubricant prevents infection too.
How are you going with pain? Are you still experiencing it on your 10th day in too? I've found the only thing that relieves it somewhat is Oxycodone. I didn't want to have to take any strong meds, although caring for and living by myself I find it's too difficult to undertake daily tasks without them.
Have you been to see a GP since your surgery?
Hi there, thanks for the reply. I’ve of course been bathing everyday in just want water with no soapy products or anything. My GP advised this to do this and also have maybe another bath the same day with salty water if I can. My wound/infection isn’t really changing in size or have signs to disappearing yet (onto my 4th day on antibiotics and my 10th day since operation too) although I guess it isn’t looking as angry!
I’ve also been wearing brief boxers that are tight but not too tight. There has been a lot of boxor changing especially maybe 3/4 times a day I have to change it but yeah definitely will be worth it.
I used Vaseline to stop the sticking as I tried to stop my penis sticking to my boxers and it helped although I immediately stopped using it when I found my infection.
I’m really not experiencing pain at all really expect uncomfortably coming in and out a car maybe or getting out of bed🙈. My main worry tbh is still being recovering by my 28th day as I am going on holiday with my girlfriend. Hope everything also works well for you as we are on the same day and that you also stop experiencing pain asap 👍🏼💪🏼

sounds like you're doing all the right things. I'd keep doing what your Dr says and just listen to your body. Lucky duck going away! I'm jealous, after the year I've had, including this surgery, I need a break once recovered too.
As much as it sucks, maybe just make some more visits to your GP earlier and prior to the 28th if things aren't improving this week. Better safe than sorry I guess.
I really hope things are better by the time you go away and thanks for sharing btw. It's somewhat comforting to know someone else is at the same timeframe post surgery as I am.
Just quickly, I've noticed 2 of my stitches have disappeared/ dissolved. The area were they are no longer present seems to be all good, although I'm just curious as to whether or not you still have all of yours present?
Yeah that really is a confidence boost! Also I’m not too sure about my stitches being dissolved as it is really hard to tell with this infection and honestly, I think it is string worse. Everyday I’m taking 4 antibiotics 1 at a time and I just don’t see improvement☹️.
I have never really counted them or noticed them too much. I also phoned my doctor today and we both agreed I should take my last 3 days worth of antibiotics before seeing him again.
I’ve also just noticed this morning that my helmet of my penis looks like it’s bruised up. It has a ring around the middle of it which is more purple at the bottom and much more pale at the top which I’m kinda worried about.
My only guess is because I’m constantly lying in bed all day, grounding myself from going out and not walking about; getting blood flowing round that part of my body but I will of course mention that to my GP if this does not clear up.
Feel free to tell me how you are getting on daily as I would love to hear how you’re recovering since our days are exact. I completely know what you mean knowing there is someone in the same position as me on the same day, both curious of this new body change!
All the best mate👍🏼
could you please tell how did this go later? i am having the same problem as yours, the white stuff isnt going anywhere