(16) So for a long time I have wondered about how my foreskin works and such. I have foreskin that is alot over my head when flaccid and even when its hard i have it right on the spot still over not revealing anything but a little of the tip and When flaccid can pull back the foreskin with mild pain. So whenever i have sex with a condom on i dont feel any pain and it is normal and such but whenever i have sex without my foreskin will try and pull back i have tryed to tuff it out before and made it for a bit just trying to ignore the pain but this did not do anything so i stopped attempting and stuck to condoms but i would jus like to know if anyone has any advice before i ask my doctor or parents (which i am shy to do) Any advice would help greatly
Foreskin: (16) So for a long time I have... - Men's Health Forum

If you are "brave" enough to have sex and thankfully smart enough to use a condom, there is nothing to be "shy" about when it comes to your health and your body. It might be an uncomfortable subject for sure, but if you talk to your dad and tell him you need to see a urologist for something he should be understandable enough to take you without asking too many questions. And even if he does, it is because he is worried and wants to help you and nothing else.
As for doctors, urologist (most likely depending on the age of course) have seen hundreds or thousands of penises so seeing another one isn't really anything weird to them. There are quite a few people that might be suffering from your condition as well so its nothing new on the planet. You could be suffering from a case of phimosis, but only the doctor, after examining can tell how mild or severe it is, and that will have an impact on your options.
It could be that you won't need a circumcision and stretching will be enough, it might be that you will need a circumcision and even if it might be the best for you (in your circumstance, not saying it is mind you) you don't have to get it, you just then have to live with the possibility of consequences if ignored.
Basically, best thing to do, is to see a urologist and go from there.
Good luck.
I always took you for ignorant and rather narrowminded, but suggesting to an underage person when they have a health issue not to tell their parents screams of utter stupidity and you should never, ever be taken seriously. Shame on you.
Me too I am getting rather annoyed with Bucky and his anti circumcision movement mates almost every post has him or one of his cronies spouting utter rubbish. Almost every doctor surgeries have to keep to their local clinical commissioning group rules on certain things like circumcisions and that other options have to be considered before circumcision can be referred for. Even if it’s not like that in USA for example I’m sure the patient would have long conversations about it anyway and the patient has to consent to it in any case. Most of bucky’s and cronies comments are unhelpful at best and they seem to paste the same thing every time sometimes they even have a go at u for not stretching before operation for one it’s too late and two how do they know other people’s surcumstances! They also seem to be oblivious to stretching doesn’t always work in some people I just wish they could be banned from here but hey ho

I learned not to be bothered by his baseless assumptions and reposting the same three videos of "evidence" for "majority", those can be dusted off as just simple ignorance, bias and lack of general knowledge. But to suggest to keep a condition secret from the parents because "he" might not agree with something, is infuriating and outright harmful.
Nope that is completely wrong I think he should tell his dad that he has this problem and he’s gonna try some gentle stretching while in bath then if don’t work they can decide after discussion to go to their family GP. Keeping it a secret isn’t gonna help
A tight foreskin isn't a disease but getting infections out of not being able to clean under the foreskin certainly one could call it a disease!
And the Earth rotates around the Sun? Any more generic statements or are we just throwing things around. I called it a condition myself, so not sure what the lecture was on. The condition of tight foreskin itself is not huge problem, it is it fact that it can add to and lead to development of other problems, such as infections, tearing, pain, discomfort and other potentially dangerous things such as increased possibility of contracting an STI/STD. So you are completely wrong, but you should be used to it by now. Then again, if you weren't completely biased you would have realised by now but talking to you is like throwing peas at a wall. Not very productive. I am generally not responding to your posts but if they are so full of lies and bias one has to react.
I had same issue as a teenage boy not sex but masterbation.
I was told by dad to soak in bath then with moisturizer slowly and gradually work it keep it well moisturised and after months of being very careful and patient.
I was finally able to retract the foreskin to expose the glands .
I'm now 48 and it's only the last three weeks due to an issue with the foreskin that I'm unable to pull the foreskin back past the glands
Words of wisdom indeed!
As a teenage boy my foreskin was like this, my father told me pretty much what you said here.
With soaking in a bath then use of moisturizer gentle stretching and lots of patients after several months almost a year, result although I was scared stiff at the first time I fully exposed the gland ask I couldn't get foreskin back over glands. Once flaccid not an issue. Never been issue since.
Patience is the key
Thank you you are correct, anurse told me that and I've been out and hot some and using twice day