Cric done 10 days ago, stitch started to dissolve, but wound look like bellow, is it normal, doctor say don't worry about that, I am sure I need to be worry about this, if someone share opinion, thanks in advance
Open wound after cric: Cric done 10 days... - Men's Health Forum
Open wound after cric

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Did u wash your wound everyday and eat antibiotics?u have bad wound..I just have little wound in my frenulum part only. Today is my15 day of circumcision
Tbh you should go get that checked out ASAP I had mine done one month ago and at No point did it get like that all . Get neosporin and dip it salt water good luck !!
Salt water is too pain.. should get Potassium permanganate better .. for wash wound. Because your wound too worst.. it should not be like that.. worst infection..I think you don’t take care well...
For your glans should apply vitamin E lotion. Plus you need eat more supplements vitamin E and vitamin C for repair your broken skin and bacteria as well..
Sorry instead replaying you, I added it as comment so here it is again,
Thanks joie, yes I daily socking 10 min in mild hot water, I again visited mine urologist, he again said it's ok, it look like this today
It look like above image where stitches are broken on other side it look good
Do you think I should, change my doctor, this doctor did op so I think he don't want to admit his fault?
What you suggest, thanks for quick replay, really appreciate that.
Thanks joie, yes I daily socking 10 min in mild hot water, I again visited mine urologist, he again said it's ok, it look like this today
It look like above image where stitches are broken on other side it look good
Do you think I should, change my doctor, this doctor did op so I think he don't want to admit his fault?
What you suggest, thanks for quick replay, really appreciate that.
Yes.. better than last time photo you upload..I think should be ok.. I think you still need eat antibiotics and pain killer if you feel pain. Continue soak in hot mild water.. need time to heal. About 1 week.. try pick your penis upward and try used the table fan blow your penis wound and let it dry faster instead of natural dry the wound. It will help you a lot. As long your wound is dry, you will recover very fast
hello if u don't mind can u tell me why that wound happened? is it cuz of op or its already there?
Think you may have an infection,
Been to your GP ?
Or walk in ?
As think you may need some