1 week post circumcision: Hey everyone! I... - Men's Health Forum

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1 week post circumcision

Anon20 profile image
33 Replies

Hey everyone! I’m probably going to do updates every other day to keep you all informed as it may help others too :)

So today is the day it’s been one week since my operation. Things are getting better, I’m starting to feel better as I can sit in positions that I couldn’t a few days ago and I just feel more comfortable. Still haven’t been able to wear clothes, however I have been trying. I’m going to try again today and see how it goes :)

If all goes well, I’ll update again today after I’ve tried. I’m hoping the sensitivity has gone down at least a fraction so it’s at least bearable. Even if not, one week has gone and every day means I’m getting better!

Any comments are welcome and I’m happy to give advice on my experience so far too!

Have a good day :D

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33 Replies

I'm happy to hear you're healing well. What do you miss the most about pre-op right now? For me it's being able to sleep properly and not having to clean after every toilet visit.. what I would give to just be able to take a piss in 10 secs and leave the bathroom without having to think about infection risk.. and being able to sleep on my belly without waking up 5 times due to painful erections.. I hear the painful erections in the night stop at roughly the 2 week mark for most so we're one week from there. Might finally catch a full 8 hours by then. Perhaps you're not having that problem?

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

I’m having all the problems you’re having lol , what I miss the most is sleeping on my belly because that’s what I always do lol. But everything you mentioned is what I miss too haha, and I know you probably don’t wanna know but not being able to pleasure myself😂😂, the painful erections always wake me up early and then I can never get back to sleep haha.

WHAT I MISS MOST IS being able to wear clothes and just go out and do whatever, because I’m stuck in my room lol

in reply to Anon20

It'll get better man and we're both men of course it's hard not being able to pleasure ourselves. Imagine some priests who go into celibacy.. for the rest of their lives. Yikes.

Every day gone is a day closer to being healed. But it still goes so slow since we're confined to our rooms. I took a small walk today outside when I knew noone would see me and I was so sweaty from not having moved for a week, probably looked like a lunatic with my hair in all directions and messed up clothes and walking with a limp. But those few minutes still helped me because I remembered there is a life outside my room and getting some sun always helps, plus the fresh air. Now I'm naked again in my bed. But the pain was still worth it! Try it out in a couple of days if you can.

Today I could sit comfortably in my PC chair at least so I was able to game for a bit and pass time like that. But my aim had gotten really rusty so I was back to tv shows soon thereafter. How do you pass time?

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

I don’t know how they do it! Haha

And that’s the way I’m thinking of it, I’m just getting better everyday and so are you :) and did you take a walk with clothes on or naked? And yes fresh air and sun is alwaysssss good!

And I pass time by watching Netflix, playing games, just being on my phone haha. I mean it gets boring but it has to be done. And I’m glad you’re getting better too

fcaptain98 profile image
fcaptain98 in reply to Anon20

I am not lying but my situation is exactly similar to yours. Point to point. I got circumcised on 3rd July. Today is 12. There is swelling on the underside towards the right side below the glans and a Saturn like ring of skin has fitness around my penis. To all those who want to masturbate badly, trust me do not do it. Yesterday I found some good porn when using my phone and stroked the base of my penis stock. The next moment, I had a lot of cum on my underbelly. Erection and the stitches hurt the most after that. Then peeing for the first time after ejaculating was on some other level pain. Trust me, do not do it until you are healed. I feel as if I delayed my healing time by a day or two.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to fcaptain98

I’m glad we’re basically in the same situation! Haha, I just can’t wait for the swelling to go down and the sensitivity! But the sensitivity is getting better :)

fcaptain98 profile image
fcaptain98 in reply to Anon20

Fir me the sensitivity is decreasing the slowest. I took my first bath today. It lasted more than 45 minutes. It was under a shower at low speeds. I blocked water from touching my penis directly. Washed each limb and body part separately and at a time. The key is to take your time doing it. Before the bath, I removed my bandage and cleaned the wound properly and could also manage to remove the dirty smelling yellow goo surrounding the stitches. Do you people have it too ?

Anyways, first bath was not a bad one as it was well orchestrated and pre planned. Did you take yours ?

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to fcaptain98

Yeah I’ve had baths from the 2nd or 3rd day of surgery! I can bathe fine now. And I don’t have the yellow stuff no, that could be infection or just some pus that can happen

fcaptain98 profile image
fcaptain98 in reply to Anon20

I think it is an infection because I am taking antibiotics since the past two days. Next appointment with doctor is in coming Tuesday. Hope the goo and pussy will go by that time. I am not wearing any gauze as instructed by my doctor and I am also advised to clean my wound twice daily with soap. The smell is the worst part.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to fcaptain98

Yeah make sure you get it checked out and keep cleaning it! Try see the doctor sooner because if it’s an infection it’ll delay your healing time

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Also, are you bathing or showering? I miss having showers haha, but my shower is so powerful and as I’m really sensitive atm it’s gonna hurt either way, but I want a way to be able to ease into showering at least? If you shower any tips would be great

in reply to Anon20

I'm not bathing, only taking showers. I'm gonna be honest I have a bit of a belly so I just let the water run over it down and then over the penis. I don't feel much. Sometimes a stream actually hits it and holy hell what a painful thing so I usually lean forward in the shower until I'm ready to let the water run over it. Just make sure the water doesn't actually hit it, only let it run over.

Such a strange thing happened today... I woke up this morning and was changing from my back to resting on my side and couldn't feel very much. Then I stood up and could barely feel it. Somehow my sensitivity dropped by like 20% in a single day. I was so delighted I decided to take a 20 minute walk to the shop and back, 5 minutes in I realized I wasn't as healed as I thought lol but pushed through and felt like a normal human being doing some light shopping among other people. Took a quick cold shower now. Delightful. I think I saw a stitch too in my briefs this morning, not sure if I saw it correctly.

A problem for me now is I'm having a bit of psychological side effects. Minor, mind you. But I'm like looking down and it doesn't completely feel like it's mine yet. I still remember him with a hood on. Feels like this is temporary and that when the stitches are out the hood is gonna pop back but that's obviously not the case. Guess I'm gonna have to get used to that lol. How's it going for you?

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Wow that’s great! Although you’re not as good as you thought, at least it dropped and you were able to walk around, that’s such a good improvement:) did it hurt when walking?

And yeah it’s gonna take time for you to get use to the difference, I’m still like wow this is really how it is lol. But I’m happy about it, it’s just different!

I’m currently in the bath lol, but I’m gonna try put some boxers on today and see how it goes, I’m going to try and wear them for at least a few minutes because I need to start bearing the pain! So I’ll update you on how that goes haha

I bet you’re so glad you could go shops and things though! Well done

in reply to Anon20

Hey, I hope you're getting better too. When you Brits say take a bath, this is filling a bath tub with water, correct? Do you put salt in?

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Yes fill up a bath tub with water, and only salt to heal, usually no salt hahah, and good news! I made it out the house today and put clothes on! Went for a meal for my brothers graduation :) it wasn’t comfortable but I’m having progress just like you did today!!

And sitting down and getting out a seat took me like 5 minutes lol, but I’ve pushed through today and I’m so so glad! Gonna always wear clothes from now on to keep pushing through and progressing

in reply to Anon20

Congratulations to your progress Anon! I hope you had fun today.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Thank you! I’m so so happy and I did thank you

in reply to Anon20

Yeah man I know that feeling. Push yourself a bit further tomorrow and you'll see huge progress

How's it going friend?

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

All is well thanks! Been putting clothes on everyday now and making sure to stay in routine of doing so:) how are you?

fcaptain98 profile image
fcaptain98 in reply to Anon20

Cool progress man ! Tomorrow I will try to wear clothes for the first time after surgery. Let's see how it goes...

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to fcaptain98

Honestly this is the 3rd day wearing clothes now! It’s never felt so good to wear clothes lol. I thought there was something wrong with me because everyone I’ve spoke to was wearing clothes not long after surgery, but everyone heals differently! It used to be unbearable, and the first time I put clothes on was uncomfortable, but now it’s gettignso much better and helps decrease sensitivity a lot as it’s in contact with fabric. Just do it when comfortable, if it hurts too much, just leave it and try again the next day! That’s what I done until I could:)

in reply to Anon20

Great to hear about your progress Anon! It's getting good for me too. Been taking short walks yesterday and today. I can feel such massive improvements day-to-day right now. We're 1/3 of our way to one month when we should be fully healed. And every day is simpler towards the end. Currently I'm worrying about the end results, I just want to see how it'll look day-to-day and erect. Also night erections are getting a bit easier for me. Still hoping for stitches to fall out quickly. Called my doc and he booked a meeting on day 25 for removal of any stitches and inspection. So 14 days to go!

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Not bad at all! I want my stitches removed they don’t fall out after three weeks haha! That’s more than long enough, and yes every day really does get better:) can’t believe how fast time is going! I know swelling can take a few months to really heal, but as long as I see improvements by the end of a month I’ll be happy

fcaptain98 profile image

What is the condition of your stitches at the moment ? Most of mine have turned into thorny yellow ones from initial greenish white except 2-3 on the left side. A stitch in the underside constantly Pierces my balls and hurts like a needle.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to fcaptain98

Literally the same lol, they’re all kinda like poking out and they’re quite sharp! Just waiting for them to drop out now🙄

in reply to Anon20

Have you guys seen where your stitches are attached? I can see them sticking out but I haven't dared pulling back on the skin to see how they're attached.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

No no never, I dunno how and where they’re attached to lol, I’m not taking any risks haha

in reply to Anon20

I see people writing about looking at the wound/scar and I don't understand.. lol. I can see some really pink skin under the glans/beneath the remaining skin and it does not look appetizing so to speak.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Yeah the skin that is swollen is ugly haha, can’t wait for it to go lol

I would do anything to have my foreskin back. Always thought they took too much as a baby. Missed out in so much more...

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Aw I’m sorry to hear that! I had mine because of a medical condition, so I couldn’t be more happy that I’ve got rid of it, but I’m sorry to hear you’re not happy yourself

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