A little update, I am just a day behind being 1 month into my post on and I am really worried for my penis.
As I said in the previous post, there is still a noticeable ring of swelling/extra skin around my penis and I am not sure of its making any progress decreasing. Also there are still stitches that I have tried pulling out but they still seem to be intact. The scabs are almost out though, but the down side is that one night I just noticed a spot of blood where a scab used to be and I think it got scratched off or something so now it's still bleeding slightly and blood clotting etc.
I also have noticed an "elongated" bump on the shaft of my penis just maybe an inch away from the head and I'm confused whether it's a traumatized tissue from the op or just a vein because in some angles it does look like one.
All responses are greatly appreciated and please please please pray for me :/