hi guys, im due to have a vasectomy in a few weeks but ive read loads of forums where guys said they had loss of sensation after a vasectomy, they couldnt orgasm the same and thier sex life was ruined. anyone on here had any problems like this?- as im not sure i want to have it done now!
Orgasm Post Vasectomy : hi guys, im due... - Men's Health Forum
Orgasm Post Vasectomy

Flandens -
Don't worry. A vasectomy will not affect your hormones, orgasm, or ejaculation, so there’s no reason why a vasectomy should affect your sex life. All it does is stop any sperm (which is manufactured in your testicles) from entering your semen.
It's as straightforward as that!
What's more, it's the very best contraceptive method available to men - assuming you don't want and will not want any children in the future. [Condoms are notoriously unsafe.] You will NOT lose any sensation either!
I’ve read those same complaints, and I’ve concluded that they’re real. Evidentally, it’s possible to suffer nerve damage which affects the intensity of orgasms. If you can avoid having it done, do so.
I'm sorry to disagree with you, but there's no bonafide evidence of nerve damage after a vasectomy. Everything works perfectly, bar the inclusion of sperm in the ejaculated semen - which is why it's a sure-fire method of permanent contraception.
If we were discussing circumcision or even worse, castration - it would be another matter entirely. Hundreds of essential nerves are severed and never restored.
I agree totally. It does not have any effects on sensation or orgasms. That’s not to say it’s something to do lightly. It is permanent and can cause discomfort lasting weeks or months. If you are SURE you never want another child and are mentally strong enough to cope with being impotent afterwards then you need not worry about your orgasms. That aspect will be fine in all but a very small percentage of cases. I know, I’ve had it done.

You wrote: "and are mentally strong enough to cope with being impotent afterwards..."
Are you aware what the word 'Impotent' means? It's another word for erectile dysfunction (ED). Flandens is not suffering from this.
Yes you’re right of course. I meant to say infertile rather than impotent. In my experience the main difference is psychological rather than physical. It did take time to come to terms with the fact that I am no longer able to perform the function of getting anyone pregnant ( not that I want to!). For me it was a bit like going through a menopause, and I had the feeling that the best of my life had passed. I guess that could give rise to sexual issues but for me it didn’t.

I’m simply relaying the reports I’ve read. There are sufficient numbers of men complaining of the same symptoms to raise alarm. One account was of a physician who had experienced ill effects. Most had issues of diminished intensity of orgasms. If you wish to argue your point, direct it toward those expessing the problems they’ve encountered.
It doesn’t result in a loss of sensation from my experience. My nuts did ache on and off for over a year though afterwards.
The area was quite sore for a few days after, but as for sex I think it was better afterwards. Never had any problem using a condom but it was nice to be more spontaneous.
If you are sure you do not want to be able to father a child any-more then I can see no reason not to.
Long term chronic testicle pain seems to be the most common side effect.
I had a year of pure hell with this and paid for my own reversal at £3000 to fix. The NHS will not fund reversal surgery in most cases though it is usually the most effective treatment.
Royal College of Surgerons of England reference stating 15% rate is here:
British Association of Urological Surgeons, patient advice reports chronic pain in 5-15% of patients.
British Journal of Urology paper.
Here 13% + still had pain a decade after their vasectomy.
Journal of Andrology paper, explains the changes in the testicles following vasectomy and the mechanisms behind chronic pain:
Wikipedia, Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome
UK Vasectomy Rates are down 64% in ten years
Take Care
Hi, would you be willing to send me some links to the forums you were reading? I'm curating that sort of thing into resources for men who are considering vasectomy.
Don’t do it, my sex life is in shreds
Since my vasectomy my orgasms have felt better. I actually get a pleasurable aching feeling just before . No complaints here.
I had mine done in 2002. Had some testicle pain off and on since, but nothing too severe. Did not affect my erections, ejaculation, or orgasms in any way.
I have had a bad experience. I would never recommend to have it done. My orgasm's are weaker. My ejaculations are watery.