Due to be circumcised next Wednesday along with a vasectomy am not a wimp but I am crapping myself about this!
Circumcision and Vasectomy : Due to be... - Men's Health Forum
Circumcision and Vasectomy
Did the same a month ago. Nothing to worry about really. The vasectomy is pretty simple and will heal fast, though you might have a "blue balls" feeling the first week or so. Circumcision shouldn't be bad, just be prepared for it to look like hell for 3-4 weeks and there will be some swelling for the months ahead, but overall things improve visually pretty quickly.
Thanks! I’m more nervous about the after pain than the op
it's not bad. They'll probably prescribe you more powerful pain meds than you actually need. A few days with over the counter was all I needed. I'd take some before bed because I would wake up with night time erections pulling at the stitches and that was the most painful part.
What’s the motivation for the circumcision?
Medical reasons 1000% not cosmetic
Were you offered alternatives? Sounds as if it’s not something you really want.
I’ve been struggling for 15 years tried different methods none of which have worked so this is the last resort
Tightness? Infections? Just wondering why you didn’t succeed.
Honestly it’s nothing to worry about.
Both procedures are simple and painless.
I can only speak for a circumcision but I had no issues with mine, as long as you keep the area clean, dry and use ice regularly you shouldn’t have any issues.
I prefer being circumcised now and the added hygiene is a bonus.
There are lots of horror stories on this website but I had no issues. Be aware the area doesn’t look very attractive for around 1-2 weeks, it will be very swollen, bruised like crazy and look completely different.
Once the dressing is removed I found bathing the penis in boiled water (allowing to naturally cool) with Sea Salt (not table salt) at least 3 times a day helped with the healing whilst icing the area helped control the swelling.
If you can take a few days off after the operation I would.
If you can leave the area as free as possible that helps reduce knocks and the risk of catching the penis on your clothing plus keeping the penis exposed to the air is generally more comfortable as well as keeping your penis elevated regularly reduces swelling further.
Honestly it’s nothing major and worth undertaking, if you have a local anaesthetic and they offer you to watch the operation I would decline it’s messy 😱 I wouldn’t make that mistake again 🤢.
Where are you going for the operations?