I am uncircumcised and have never had intercourse. I am a teenage boy. My penis seems as thought the skin is peeling and my penis is very red. Please could someone recommended anything to me as I am getting very worried as this problem occurred out of nowhere.
Peeling penis skin: I am uncircumcised... - Men's Health Forum
Peeling penis skin

How long has this been an issue? Sounds like it could be penile thrush.
I've had it and it's not nice.
You can buy canestan cream (anti-fungal) or its equivalent over the counter at the chemist.
If after using the cream for a week there are no signs of improvement you should see your doctor.
Don't worry about showing the doctor your penis as they see that sort of thing almost every day and will not bat an eyelid.
Hope this helps.
Literally it’s been an issue since like 3 days if that ago. I am confused as to what has brought it on. Obviously as a young boy as well I’m quite worried and embarrassed.
Don't be embarrassed. Look up penile thrush on Google and compare what you have.
It is easy to treat if that's what it is.
Try not to worry and don't be embarrassed. We all have issues with our bodies at some point.
Just googled it but mine does not look anywhere near as severe. Mine is like a cling film or something peeling?
Is it the penis glans or the whole penis? How old are you and have you been able to pull your foreskin back without any issues prior?
I agree with the thrush. Also look up balantitis. Has to do with foreskin and bacteria /fungal issues. Nothing that cream can’t solve but might get annoying if it keeps happening .
What part of your penis is peeling?