Hi I'm new and think this is an awesome site.My problem is that after having circumcision a while back the healing process has been long, too long.We are talking about almost 3months since I was circumcised.I still experience pain as the area is very sensitive.Ihope to hear if anyone experienced similar problems and can it be remedied.I would appreciate any help regarding this issue.
Healing process after circumcision taki... - Men's Health Forum
Healing process after circumcision taking too long

It varies from person to person . Relax
Thanks so much that's a great relieve,maybe I am over hasty👍
It was the best part of three months for me also. I would advise exposing the head to various situations to help it 'acclimatise'. Things such as letting it rub on underwear, wearing nothing to bed and using the shower jet on it. For me it is just over a year and I still get the odd twinge of pain. I did not try it myself but someone on here advised trying a delay type spray available from some chemists and sex toy retailers. Remember what you use it for, you do not want to lose all sensitivity !
Hi everyone. I was circumcised on 20th Sept this year and after an infection I'm currently still having some mild discomfort when I wash and clean. It started with a hard ring around the head of my penis but now it seems like there are some bits of skin or something still under whats left of my foreskin which have a little blood on them.
There isn't much pain as much as some discomfort mainly. Though I am afraid to just pull my skin back and see what it is.
Anyone else encounter anything like this?
Recovery from adult circumcision varies with every man. But in time you will loose that extreme sensitivity. It's a sad conclusion, but it WILL end - and eventually leave you with very little erotic sensation.
A circumcised penis is a crippled penis. We must learn to make the best of it as I and others have done.
I’m 6 weeks into being circumcised it’s all healed up well but I get a sharp pain throb that comes and goes almost like a sharp pinching sensation but I think it’s pretty normal and will go away in a year once everything has settled down.