I had a circumcision around 7-8 weeks ago now and everything seems to be going ok, I just have a few questions because I have, what may be considered issues, after my circumcision.
First off, almost all of my stitches have come off, except for one or two. I have 2/3 marking/bumps where the stitches are, but I can't see them. I don't know if they are stitches or just how its healed but if anyone has an idea of what it is then that would be great.
My next question should be much easier to answer. So the head of my penis is still quite sensitive and I haven't noticed any signs of it getting better over the last 2-3 weeks, at first I was noticing it was getting better, but now I'm not noticing anything. I've heard people say it can take from 3 months to a year for the head to be de-sensitised enough for it not to cause discomfort. And that also leads into another question regarding masturbation. I have attempted to masturbate a couple of times, and all have failed. I do feel very slight pleaser but not much. The only sort of pleasure, if you can call it that because I don't know if it actually is, I can get is at the very end of my penis. But when I do get 'pleasure' their I don't ejaculate, but instead I pee? I wanted to know if this is normal because like I've said, haven't had much noticeable progress over the last 2-3 weeks and would like to sort myself out as fast as possible.
Thank you