i seem to pee a lot through the night ,had prostrate checked out ,it is fine ,i have to wait a couple of weeks before i have blood tests , any one have any idea why this happens,? i am fine through the day
peeing: i seem to pee a lot through the... - Men's Health Forum

Whit, peeing a lot at night could be prostate-related. Why not have a chat with our Man MOT GP? Log on at manmot.co.uk and text chat or send an email. There's more on prostates at menshealthforum.org.uk/pros...
I was having the same problem and the found an ulcer with prbly has nothing to do with u but they also started me on antibiotics for a bacteria infection generally called h pylori. U shud consider this as it's very common nd easier contracted from unfiltered water or other things. I hope things work out nd PLZ keep in touch
finally got my blood and urine test results yesterday, every thing related to prostrate is fine , so now doc thinks it could be an overactive bladder , i will be trying two 2.5mg of oxybutynin a day for a few weeks to see if that helps
problems getting to see my doc , the surgery was burnt down at the week end, they are in the process of finding temporary premisies , so don`t know when i will get to see him again
Has the temperature/climate changed recently? I generally sweat a lot when it's warm and find I don't need to visit the bathroom so frequently. When the temperature drops a few degrees for a few days my body starts to release a lot of water and I find myself getting up quite a few times in the night to pee. If you have not noticed this before then better to still get a check-up, otherwise it could be just excess water the body has been retaining. (I'm not a medical person, but I like to check how my body responds to different conditions)