2o days in healed fine stiches out . Tried sex last night Mrs loved it as due to phimosis my foreskin strangled penis mid shaft penis not fully erect and couldn't swell but now I'm just under 7 length lost quater inch at mo but girth is 6.5 happy with that different sensation but good lasts longer Mrs said felt much better . So guys don't worry don't believe all horror story's I pushed for this for a few years got on nhs and wish I done earlier. Go in positive come out positive honesty nothing to worry about pain is nothing I was back to work in 2 days and healed fine
After circumcision : 2o days in healed... - Men's Health Foru...
After circumcision

I'm happy for you and I hope I can find a solution to my problem.
So pleased for you. Phimosis should always be treated with circumcision - solves the issue straight away with no messing about.
Most women prefer the flared bell end post circumcision.
Been really positive for me but should have had it done much earlier.
Sure you know this but it’s a pretty scary build up (which I’ve been stuck in for 3 years due to NHS delays) - I’ve been completely petrified in the past but posts like this are a HUGE help, so thank you. Gonna stay positive and and look forward to my already very loud fiancé getting louder 🤪
Go for it , I was so nervous before hand I asked to be put to sleep . I had zero pain just a bit uncomfortable rubbing against leg when walking, first week swollen like a coke can 😂 2nd week swelling gone down , not as near as bad sensitivity I got told about . Ejaculation is more pornstar now and for me more intense orgasm due to phimosis it stopped Ejaculation and orgasm was nothing but now I love it . Don't be afraid this will change your life for the better . Why are you getting done ?
Same reason as you and I’ve read so so much (too much) about sensitivity afterwards, pain, swelling and all the other nasty bits but rarely does anyone come back 6 months later or whatever and say “this was definitely worth it” so it’s nice to see. My phimosis is mild, so when I’ve seen doctors in the past a lot have said I don’t need a circ, just to stretch it out but currently my sensitivity is so intense that using the aids (phimorings or whatever they’re called) was really uncomfortable and I don’t have the will power to continue it. Im hoping being forced into desensitization through exposure will eventually mean I have a normal functioning cock. I’m doing it for sex basically, not health.