Hi all, 31 and got circumcised last June. Everything with scar tissue and what not okay now and actual penis settled with normal erections etc.
However, last July - my first proper month of recovery - i.e. back to walking etc and wearing boxer shorts - I started developing an itchy patch of skin on my testicle. When I say itch, the kind that drives you mad and when you touch it with anything (finger, towel etc), your brain forces you to scratch and massage. This causes the skin to go red and if really bad, weep as well. The GP diagnosed a fungal infection and prescribed steroid creams which did "kill off" the infection. However, a few days after treatment stopped, same symptoms re-emerged.
Since last July, I've been on and off with the symptoms. I have swapped out shower gels in case of irritation, change my underwear more regularly than necessary, shower every day, do no intense exercise - so no proper sweating.
My own Googling reckons it's scrotal eczema but I've never had this before and not sure why the circumcision would cause this?
Anybody else had reactions like this? Also, any tips for treatment etc because it's having my life. The GP has now prescribed an anti-fungal shower gel but I'm pretty sure it's nothing to with infections and is more of a sensitive skin condition.
Also, I have used E45 and Aveeno emollients with some success but these don't prevent the reaction from happening.
Any help and advice always appreciated.