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5 days post circumcision and am worried about a few things!

tcoleman1990 profile image
6 Replies

Hi guys,

I had my circumcision done last Thursday (UK) and just have a couple of questions for those of you that have been through it.

My first main concern is the last 2 days I've developed some darker yellow substance on one main part of the incision. It wipes away and while it's present most of the time it doesn't leak constantly and isn't much.

I went to my GP yesterday and he said it was fine and gave me some fusidic acid cream just in case. Obviously the cream mixing with the yellow substance makes it look worse but I'm just worried because it wasn't as 'leaky' when he saw it as it was before I went and is now. Is there anything it could be other than an infection?

There is no redness, hotness, extra pain I can see. Some of the skin above/around the incision looks a bit thicker near the area but that's it! If there is any infection it's likely my fault as the worry/sensitivity meant I was moving it a lot and didn't have clean hands enough whilst doing so. It's also worth mentioning that when I'm fresh out the shower and it's clean, there is a clear yellow film/scab looking thing in this area that the leakage comes from.

Secondly I did notice the other day (forgot to mention this to GP) that a small part of the incision (maybe 1/8th) has a thick bit of skin that doesn't appear to have stitches or they have come loose. I noticed it when in the shower cleaning and if I pull the shaft down and my glans to the side there's a small flap that lifts up and it looks like the stitches either aren't there or aren't attached.

Obviously I don't know exactly what is going on and I'm not actively going to move it again as I'm leaving it to heal.

I've read about secondary intention in terms of wound healing, so is that something that could happen if it worst case is loose/not stitched? It's worth noting there is no blood at all from this area.

Apologies for the essay but a lot of this is playing on my mind, especially being off work and not doing much!

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tcoleman1990 profile image
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6 Replies
Busha profile image

Hey cut mate. I think you just having real mind play with a very normal healing process. The yellow like film is nothing but an outcome of dried healing part of skin bro.

tcoleman1990 profile image
tcoleman1990 in reply to Busha

Thank you for this. I was having a very bad dau at the time. Everything is starting to heal nicely now.I'm on day 11 since it was done and I've got a good scab appearing on about half of the incision. Some of the incision is still hidden below some skin so hopefully that will sort itself in a few days.

I have still got 10 days until I'm back at work and mostly spend the day half naked. The sensitivity will be crazy as I haven't worn clothes much yet but I'll deal with that once the wound is sorted!

MerlinTheWizard profile image

Hi mate, i have a similar issue. Around the back of the penis i have like a yellow / white (could be part vaseline) ooze around the stitch line. I went to my doctor because amongst the ooze there was a offensive smell and i was adamant i had an infection. Doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics and this has helped the smell slightly but cosmetically is has helped the with the ooze. My main issue is at the front of the penis i have a donut shapped swelling and it has decreased slighty but its actually painful. This isnt my actual concern however, what is, is the skin comes down slightly but i cannot for the life of my see anywhere where there should be stitches... Is this normal? Do they not stitch the front in the uk. Wtf, actually driving me mad.

tcoleman1990 profile image
tcoleman1990 in reply to MerlinTheWizard

How long ago did you have the procedure? I couldn't see most of my stitches a couple of weeks. I remember the skin looking doughnut like as well so I wouldn't worry too much about that. I still have some puffy lumps near the incision which I know will take longer to go down.I am now 5 weeks post operation and I looked back on my post almost not believing how much of a state I got myself in.

Everything clears up really nicely it just takes time. My yellow discharge was normal and cleared up, scabbed and fell off.

MerlinTheWizard profile image

So am ten days post op now.The stitches on the back under the frenulum were visible second day pretty much. Its the front that im most concerned with as it doesnt look like any are there and obviously having looked at other results they were visible, so i dont know if it is a uk thing. I did read skin glue is used... But i dont know. It doesnt look great ill be honest, better than it was, but still a way left to go yet. Also the penile block jesus i wasnt ready for that.

tcoleman1990 profile image
tcoleman1990 in reply to MerlinTheWizard

The stitches will be there don't worry. That sounds similar to me to be honest. On the back side by the frenulum they were always visible but on the front side where you are describing the skin was very swollen/bloated and all the stitches looked like they were under flaps of skin.

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