I'm now 2.5 weeks post circumcision and everything seems to be healing OK but the only concern I have is I've had a few night/morning erections but don't seems to be able to have one when I feel horny normally...I know it's yo early to masturbate but slightly paranoid somthing may be wrong?
Erections after circumcision? - Men's Health Foru...
Erections after circumcision?

I felt exactly the same as you at that time, I had mine cut late October, it is difficult at this time but you have to stay positive and focus on other things if you can, at week 6 I was a lot happier in myself.
Your body is healing and everyone is different. Healing takes time - and a good experienced doctor will likely advise you to not even masturbate gently for thr first 4-5 weeks and not have penetrative sex for 8-9 weeks. That’s because the body is recovering and healing and the skin tissues, and nerves are being rebuilt. So be patient. And get enough rest and sleep. It will help your body and mind rest and recover and soon you’ll be back with good confident erections.
Excellent response. That operation is pretty quick but a lot of tissue and very sensitive nerves are being affected and have to heal after being cut. This is one area in the body with the most nerve endings. That tissue is very delicate and needs a good 2 months or more to heal. You must wait for sex and I would suggest maturation is not a good idea depending on how you do it gently or more intense. Try to wait for that as your body has to heal and that is more important than having an orgasm. You could try prostate massage but you might find that creates quite hard erection that you would then find painful. It's all depending on your healing so try to be focussed on other things to distract your mind from sex. Good Luck, Cheers.
Just to up date every one ...everything is pretty much back to normal erections are probably better then before.Only thing is that I have what I can only describe as a blood blister on tip of penis!! Original had circumcision due to tight foreskin as tore the banjo string but after surgery my discharge paper work said somthing about bxo ....which had never been mentioned before ??
Went to the docs and the have put my on timodine steroid and anitllti fungal cream but doesn't seem to be working very fast....any advice??