Hi all, just a quick thought I hope people will be able to put mind at rest, I’m a stresser. Throughout the night when get erections they still wake me up, no longer pain from stitches but more discomfort as feels itchy and tight still. Assume that’s normal and as still only 3.5 weeks is still some stitches and swelling causing that? Just looking for that reassurance I’m on right path still and that will ease in few weeks so will be able to get erections again without discomfort
3.5 week circumcision - erections - Men's Health Foru...
3.5 week circumcision - erections

that is perfectly normal although the sensitivity can last quite a while and the swelling can also take a while it can be uncomfortable but eventually things will go back to normal wishing to a speedy recovery
Yep, all natural. It'll feel tight and itchy as it heals - I experienced the same. The stitch material will continue dissolving over the next six months in your flesh (but the stitch ends will have all fallen out over the next week or so). You got this.
ah amazing thank you, thanks for the reassurance. Yeah the stitch ends are breaking down, prickly ******* aren’t they as they go, some already have but few still going, the stubborn ones. Thank you, I’m being patient and taking each day as comes, nearly at that stage where I think should start getting better quickly and can really begin to return to normality
I really hope it is, just want the last of these stitches out and I think I’ll feel a lot more comfortable and happy. And yes very right I think that is a normal healing, my issue is I panic so when think is this normal I go full panic attack mode ands reality is it is and just needs time