I am now 6 months post circumcision I have been seen 5 times by my surgeon and cauterized with a silver nitrate stick 5 times as he said I had granulation tissue. It hasn't worked. I have had sex once which resulted in bleeding. I was sent to a reconstructive plastic surgeon the other day and in his opinion I don't need further surgery and he doesn't think I have granulation tissue. He has now sent me to see a genital dermatologist. Has anyone experienced anything like this after the op. Where i was stitched has red flesh that looks like an open wound and bleeds when I have an erection. Any info would be greatly appreciated as I can't find anything online about this.
Post circumcision: I am now 6 months... - Men's Health Foru...
Post circumcision
Hopefully the dermatologist will have an answer for you. Take care
Hey I got the procedure done the 26th of January and still can’t have sex (had twice), foreplay or even the ability to masterbate as when I get an erection he bleeds it is as if they haven’t left enough skin when stitched back up, I have been seen several times as well as when did have sex I need to use a lot of lub and never had to in all my life , the head of the penis is very dry as well that I thought was extremely weird the information giving is really poor if I had known it would have been like this I would have stayed with the right foreskin to be honest
Hi Mike - did you get any update on this? How are you now and have things got better for you? Thanks
Did you get a chance to visit the doctor and get advice? I am facing the same issue. 5 months into circumcision and after erection, I can tell where my stitches are as there is a blood line that develops. If I touch, I get blood on the fingers. Happens sometimes but is worrisome.
Hi Andrew are you still getting the bleeding from the stitch line and what did the doctor or surgeon say? Did all your stitches come out / dissolve by 4 weeks or so? Thanks
I did see the doctor and he said that the tissue around the penis is taking longer than usual to heal. I am just keeping it clean and restraining from any sexual activity. Not sure what else I can do. Although, its no bleeding anymore, I do see a sort of scab develop closer to the tip of my penis and also little white gooey substance around the base of the tip after I pull my skin back. Is this normal?