HELP! I am 3 weeks post circumcision and today I went to my doctor and I have a lump on the left side. Kind of feels like a vein then gets harder and feels like scar tissue or cartilage. I asked the doctor will it go away and he said everyone is different. I’ve had it for about a week and he told me to massage it. Has anyone else had this? Besides this how is my penis looking?
Lump 3 weeks after circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
Lump 3 weeks after circumcision
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I don’t think it’s a keloid either...
I don’t know about the lump though I’m sure someone on here can advise you. But your penis looks superb. It looks quite a tight cut. May I ask why you got circumcised?
Thankyou Peter. I got cut for cosmetic reasons. I knew I’d look better cut and was hoping it would boost my confidence cause I’m insecure of my size. I wish I had your size and flared head
Well the size looks fine to me! Your penis has a very good shape too. Your glans penis is not small - it has a very clear definition to it - and flaring may well happen over months and years. Your circumcision looks quite tight - is that correct?
Thankyou yes I would say it’s more right than loose. Is that fine?
Well it’s fine however you want it. Some prefer loose, some prefer tight. I prefer tight and so does my partner.
Yeah I agree. Tight looks better. Much more neat. When I have an Erection I barely have any movement. Although I have not masterbated yet
Yes I thought it looked tight. Well I love being tightly circumcised so I hope you will. I’ll message you.
Hi, the massaging would be a very good idea I would do it with some bio oil it's good for the skin and your scar it should help to reduce it. I presume you had the glue for closure and no stitches it shouldn't be the remains of a stitch.
Yes that’s exactly where what I’m doing. Bio oil massage. It’s just hard not to masterbate while massaging lol. Did your head flare out after your circumcision, I’d like mine to be more prominent like yours.

If you are careful it is ok to masturbate just don't be rough it's still very early days for you the massaging will help to loosen your scar a little you probably feel a little tight at the moment.
Yes my glans did flare out a little you had a look at my post. yours should as well it's not restricted anymore with foreskin.
I did end up masterbating before and felt amazing. Yeah hope the head flares out some more. Just gotta keep massaging to help the lump go away. Massaging now with bio oil
It's a vein, same thing on me, can't say it'll go away or not, but I wouldn't worry about it
I was told to massage it it has helped and it’s right under my scar line and if u put to much pressure it hurts. When did you get cut?
I also have lumps on both side of my penis shaft. The hert when i am erect. I also feel like they are because if veins cut by doctor. Will it get better?
Mine hasn’t got better I think it’s scar tissue
Love the clean cut. Hope the lump goes away.
Thankyou very much me too
Any updates on this? I was circumcised 10 days ago, and I have lumps on both side of penis. It feels like vein. I am very worried about them. It looks like doctor cut the veins and the lumps are formed because of that. Has your gotten better? For me it herts when i am erect