After circumsision surgery (1 hour af... - Men's Health Foru...

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After circumsision surgery (1 hour after)

Ariu profile image
47 Replies

I got circumsised about 1 hour ago, this is my first day and atm i am still at the hospital although when you guys answer i will be home. Basically the surgery was terrifying, it was torture to the maximum, local anesthisia did not work on me that much, i could feel them doing shit and it hurt, after they saw i could not deal with it anymore they put me in general anesthesia, put me into a bed later (where i am rn) and my glans are SO SENSITIVE, i know its first day but still its so uncomfortable, i wore some loose underwares, i also tried peeing but could not, ive always had a problem where it took long to pee but then my father was next to me and it felt even more uncomfortable so i could not do it because i felt like vomiting. Now i want to try peeing again although it feels uncomfortable but i just don't know. I hope sensitivity goes down when i go home. I also will remove the underwares when i go home so it dries out. I know this week will be hell but what can you do.

I will keep you guys updated incase someone wants to be circumsised so he got any question.

Also if you guys got any tips, it would be appriciated to share.

Edit: I was able to pee,it took a little but it did not burn it just made light headed and feel like vomiting, it went away the moment i got in bed. Not sure if the urine should have been that thinner but how can i know...also the tip still feels uncomfortable and sometimes burny.

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Ariu profile image
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47 Replies

How much water do you drink?

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to

I BARELY drinked any, not even quarter a small bottle, my mouth was watery itsself but whenever i drink it makes me want to pee, which is not painful just burns sometimes.

in reply to Ariu

Can I suggest you are not drinking enough water which in itself will cause a stinging sensation when you urinate.

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to

I started drinking more now, therefore its making me pee a lot more

in reply to Ariu

Good, hopefully the burning sensation will cease if you keep it up. Otherwise consult a doctor.

peanut452 profile image

Good luck on your journey dude! I was circumcised 2 weeks ago and I've experienced pain too when the tip of the glans touched anything, but it went away pretty quickly. Your surgery sounds like hell but I'm glad you are over with it.

I do have problems with peeing too in public spaces due to anxiety, but you should be able to pee normally without any discomfort or pain. I'm pretty sure you experience anxiety too and that's why you get lightheaded (or side-effects of general anesthesia), but it's best to let your doctor know.

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to peanut452

Appriciated! Also yes i do pee without pain but sometimes it burns but i know it is normal it goes away after a little as i used to have multiple Urinary tract infectioms coming and going. Sometimes my penis feels like it will explode or it just randomly hurts which it goes away, i get it its probably healing just so uncomfortable. Also is the change on pee flow normal like for me it used to be thick when i peed due to the foreskin slowing it down, just curious. And should i keep my penis for today just drying out or should i start putting the skirt over it so it gets used to it?

ApexR profile image

That sounds horrible for your surgery... But dont worry too much. I was hypersensitive as well the first 2 days and now its a little better on day 4. I would say its still sensitive but far from what day 1 and 2 felt like. Now im wearing thight close to make the penis more in place and it helps! May your recovery go well sir!

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to ApexR

Appriciated! Although i am leaving my penis dry out without touching anything for about 6 hours now. Am i doing it right? It also hurts sometimes, sometimes it feels like it is going to explode but then goes away. Should i start putting the dress back on so it could touch it? Or should i leave it dry for today and tomorrow wear it so i can get used to it? Also did you notice any difrence on the pee flow like for me it got so quick and it feels way thinnier than i used to when i had foreskin?

ApexR profile image
ApexR in reply to Ariu

Do as you feel like is the best for you. But my doctor definitely told me to keep on the gauze and change it twitce a day. I had the same exploding sensation has you did the first 2 days. Dont worry it'll be ok. Speaking of pee flow, I woke up today and the swelling really showed up during the night apparently (which could explain the lately painful erection) and when I went to the bathroom to pee it had problems getting out. After a while it got out, it wasnt all that painful tho. So yes its totally normal and it should go back to normal after swelling goes down. Take care!

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to ApexR

I mean i have got it surrounded with lots of bandages except the tip where it is really sensitive. Since its my first day i will wait until tomorrow to remove it. I just really hope the tip desensitises quickly. Also i am worried about masturbation, i don't feel like doing don't get me wrong but i feel as if i won't be able to reach an orgasm at all.

ApexR profile image
ApexR in reply to Ariu

Same for me the tip is uncovered. But I gotta cover the cut for 2 weeks and change de gauze twice a day. Don't worry too much, im sure we'll be okay for climaxing.

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to ApexR

They also did an electrosurgery thing on me so i do not know if i even have stiches. Do you have any information regarding that?

in reply to Ariu

You will almost certainly have stitches, you’re probably referring to electrocautery that was used to seal the severed blood vessels.

ApexR profile image
ApexR in reply to Ariu

Never heard of that I could not tell

IanHaines profile image

Hail another conquering hero, whose weenie has undergone a major slice-and-dice! Here's wishing you a speedy and trouble-free recovery period!

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to IanHaines

Appriciated Ian! I shall fight and suffer until i win this battle.

IanHaines profile image
IanHaines in reply to Ariu

Even suffering can be fun! Yeeeehaaaaah!

London432 profile image

I understand you may of felt the surgery was torture which isn’t what others want to hear before they get theirs done. Everyone’s surgery is different I had my circumcision done 6 weeks ago now I had phimosis so my glans was very sensitive so before we found that out I was given a low dosage of anaesthetic they then topped me up because I felt like I was getting stabbed and it was very uncomfortable and I even had numbing cream on prior before the surgery some parts were still very sensitive so through out my surgery they topped me up with a numbing spray. Did you suffer from any medical problems is that why you got circumcised?

You’ve got this mate put 100% effort into your aftercare maintaining your penis and you should be good as gold. Day 3 you will need to remove the pressure bandage depending on if you had stitches or glue if you had glue they suggest not to soak it for too long so avoid baths. But if you require to remove the bandage then fill up the bath with warm salt water up to your penis to cover it and get the bandage off by peeling it and cutting the bandage into strips leaving enough to grab on to do it makes it easier to peel off. Jump out the bath and run a quick shower wash yourself then dry your penis using a hair dryer on a warm setting not hot. Pat the glans dry with a clean hand towel this may feel uncomfortable but it’s for the best. I do hope you manage to get some good sleep without waking up from an erection. To stop morning glory wake yourself up at 04:00am to empty your bladder out fully then you may go back to sleep this will minimise you waking up with painful erections. I’d suggest to you to apply fresh bandages with Vaseline twice a day after the third day has gone past. Keep your penis dry for 3 days from today.

Applying fresh clean bandages to your clean penis after a quick shower will help you heal quicker and stop nasty stuff getting into your wounds. Once you feel it’s safe enough to stop wearing bandages do so this will help you desensitise your glans when you start to wear underwear. Do make sure to place your penis vertically as much as you can to help swelling go down let the body get rid of the fluid. Any more help you need don’t hesitate to drop me a message.

If you require any medical advice or you are concerned about something speak to your GP or surgeon.

All the best on your recovery you’ve got this mate try not to stress about it. And wait at least 4-6 weeks possibly longer if you can manage to hold out as long as possible before you use your penis again this will help you heal quicker without delays or complications.

Also you need to drink more fluids for your body may I suggest you sit down when you pass pee as swelling will make you spray only for the first 2-3 days usually. If you want to maintain standing like I did I’d suggest to you to purchase a jug using the jug will help you check the colour as you heal but also checks how much your body is passing which is good I think.

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to London432

Very much appriciated! I am anxious about my circumsision i will be honest. I feel as if i won't be able to get an erection or not be able to reach an orgasm (like it will feel numb) . Peeing now is ridiciously fast and thin, it does not hurt but at the end it goes uncontrollably for a little bit which is probably fine because it is my first time without foreskin. Also they have wrapped my penis except the head with some bandages like a lot because it seems they did some kind of electrosurgery which i do not know if they use stiches for these so i will have to find out tomorrow or whenever the bandages fall or i have to shower.

London432 profile image
London432 in reply to Ariu

Yh surgeons don’t tend to wrap the glans only where the incision is made to remove the foreskin completely. They usually put padding over the glans inside your underwear to protect it until you get home and take it off. Tomorrow you will find your glans very sensitive most likely I’d suggest to place gauzes or bandage over the glans with Vaseline just so your glans isn’t driving you crazy but also so you can sleep. For me I kept putting fresh bandages on for a good 1-2 weeks until I felt it was healed enough to stop putting bandages on and once I was ready I took the plunge and started wearing underwear with no bandage on. It gets a lot better as the days go by trust me. You certainly will get erections over the next few days which you really want to avoid as these may hurt and can be bad especially in the early days. If you get hard may I suggest you get a gel pack or something out of the freezer I found this helped me it doesn’t get rid of the erection completely but it helped to avoid my erection staying fully blown hard on. Do apply Vaseline to your glans though after day 3. You can keep applying Vaseline for a good few weeks but maybe when you reach the 3-4 week range try a different ointment like bio oil or coconut oil E45 moisturisers this will keep your glans nice and moist which helps maintain sensation in your glans you don’t particularly want a dried out glans. But if you require to desensitise the glans you can let it dry out slightly now I’m not medically trained in anyway I’m just give you my opinion and experiences so do be aware if you are concerned or need medical questions answering please speak to your GP/surgeon. Did they say you can shower I know my private surgeon said not to get it wet for at least 3 days which I didn’t like but I stuck through with it and I was glad when I can wash my penis properly. Do take photos daily if you can this will help yourself and help your doctor or surgeon if needed that’s what I’ve done.

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to London432

Very much appriciated, the only thing concerning for me right now is bandages, sometimes i feel as if they are too tight but then it goes away, also peeing got a bit harder too in the way of controlling it (definetely easy for my urine to pass and no pain/burns) it goes in multiple the end it gets the bandage wet with pee which is not that infectious but still concerns me. What do you think i should do?

London432 profile image
London432 in reply to Ariu

Do you feel like you are forcing yourself to pee quicker and harder with force try and take it easy when passing pee. That’s good no pain or stings but if that happens apply Vaseline to the opening this should help stop the stinging. To sort that urine problem soaking into your bandage use tissue paper to soak it all up and pat the excess urine from your glans. You can damp the bandage to clean the urine off it but be careful and dry it. Monitor the tightness of the bandage if need be if it’s really bad go go A&E just because the incision is fresh and bleeding is likely and you want it to all be done in a sterile area.

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to London432

No it feels weird to pee now, because before i could feel it coming out and it would come out thick and slow because the foreskin would stop the pressure but now its like a bullet. I just have to get used to it of course i will feel uncomfortable its my second day with this new beast. But also i got a problem, it seems my bandages around the glans is yellow which is most likely because of the pee, can i keep it on until later or should i get rid of it immedieatly (it is 4:50 AM right now).

London432 profile image
London432 in reply to Ariu

Do not remove the bandage until day 3 I know it’s a pain but just hold out until the 3rd try to avoid your urine soaking anymore into the bandage and use any method to draw the urine out of the bandage. just try to keep that bandage clean.

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to London432

Alright understood, but peeing has gotten annoying now and uncontrollable (it does not hurt or burn just i feel like i might have a problem with my urethra) maybe it is because the bandages are tight around the head, still unsure but that is my only issue atm, the sensitivity has decreased more on my glans i think as well.

London432 profile image
London432 in reply to Ariu

Have you been monitoring the colour of your pee does it look normal because it will help to understand if you are drinking enough. That’s good about the glans. Try and hold out until day 3 before you remove that pressure bandage. Don’t forget the bandage is holding back swelling so when you remove it your swelling will show up more this is why you probably feel it’s tight.

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to London432

It is yellow and then white, basically it changes time to time. Probably when i drink juice and not water i pee yellow, and if i drink water its white. Also finally my erections started, i feared i had a ED but it is normal, it is not even painful that much just uncomfortable (i hope my penis size is not reduced) now i am only worried about the pee matter and in about the 4-5 weeks i will try masturbating.

London432 profile image
London432 in reply to Ariu

Doesn’t really matter what you drink that determines the colour of your urine. If the colour of your pee keeps changing and especially if it goes to a darker colour like apple juice colour you defo need put more fluids into your body. Erections don’t panic about getting them because you will make it worse try not to stress and just focus on aftercare on your penis get that guy healed ASAP that should be on your priority don’t focus on anything else like erections etc focus on getting healed. I did that and after I felt like I was healed enough to stop wearing bandages I took the plunge and started desensitising my glans more. Do put more fluids into your body daily water is best. Don’t go crazy with drinking fluids though just because I said to put more in be sensible taking in the correct amount of fluids. ED don’t worry about until you are fully healed because your body is still adapting to change stress will cause erection issues which I’m kinda suffering once and a while because of stress.

in reply to London432

Keeping properly hydrated is also important to the body being able to heal all manner of injuries.

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to London432

Hey, it is my third day now, my sleeping schedule is fucked but i know it will get better once i find a comfortable way to sleep, or at least for my glans to desensitise enough to not bother me while sleeping. But what my concern is, is that my glans are turning a bit yellow, i read online and it said that it is a normal proccess of healing. Also i will be removing my bandage today, how should i shower, should i reapply gauze? I feel as if my glans are not ready to be touching underwares yet, they have been out on dry air for 3 days straight though but still.

London432 profile image
London432 in reply to Ariu

Don’t bother taking the bandage off until later on today like the afternoon. Yellow glans completely normal your body is trying to adapt to change. To get some sleep if it comes to it wrap some non stick bandages or gauzes with Vaseline on your glans. After the shower I’d suggest you apply new dressing twice a day for a good 1-2 weeks. Did your doctor prescribe you any cream that you can apply in the next few days this helps to keep the open wounds clean and minimises infection. Get yourself a jug and some table salt allow the shower to run down your body and soak the bandage pour warm salt water on your penis once and a while. Find the end of the bandage and slowly peel it off have some scissors on hand to cut the bandage leaving a small tab to carry on peeling it all off. If you had glue then you shouldn’t really be soaking it the bandage may be stuck to the glue don’t worry about that do not force it off allow the glue to start falling off which takes a few days. Over the next few days damp the left over bandage and slowly pull at it. run the shower and use salt water and get him dry with a hair dryer on a warm setting try and pat dry the glans with a clean hand towel and re bandage your penis including your glans with Vaseline applied underneath the bandage. Leave approximately 10-20% of the glans not covered with bandage cut a small piece of bandage and stick it on the top of the bandage already placed on your body so it’s like a door you can unfold so you can pee without soaking your bandage in urine.

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to London432

Finished taking off the gauze, it got painful at the end but then it got better, i had to apply some kind of gel or cream or whatever it was which was barely painful, now i am in my room wearing nothing and standing up letting the gel be absorbed, i think i let a small spot without putting gel but it is fine. I just want to see whether i can lay down without having to have gauze or underwares on.

London432 profile image
London432 in reply to Ariu

I get you if you don’t fancy putting a bandage back on apply a gauze on the back of your penis with medical tape and lay your dick as flat as you can exposing everything with a nice landing pad for your penis to rest on and lay back. Do monitor the incision like and frenulum area. You may have to clean your penis and bandage it for a few more days at least just to stop nasty stuff getting inside the wounds. I did this. Have 2 quick showers a day and make sure to dry your penis fully

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to London432

I will see what i can do about laying down in bed, atm it stings when i do so (the stiches) so i cannot do so, i also made a new post and put an image to see if it looked normal what my penis is like.

Uncutdad profile image
Uncutdad in reply to Ariu

Thick and slow pee? You mean because foreskin was pinched or what??? Thanks.

drew15401 profile image

Sorry you had such a bad experience getting circumcised. There have been many helpful suggestions which may make your recovery easier. Hopefully the doctors did a good job and you will be pleased when everything is all healed up.

Orzac profile image

How old are you ?

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to Orzac

I am currently 17.

Orzac profile image
Orzac in reply to Ariu

Do not be afraid because of the sensitivity. The good part is that after a time you will feel no difference.The bad part is that the time will be around 6 months. After this time you’re skin and brain will adapt and you will never feel that sensitivity

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to Orzac

I understand, i mean whether i want to or not i have to deal with it, there is no way i am trying any of those foreskin restoration techniques that could ruin my proccess. I am just very worried about peeing atm or ejaculation after 5 weeks (i feel as if i won't be able to like i won't reach an orgasm).

anon2508 profile image

what were your reasons for getting cut mate ? where did you go for it ?

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to anon2508

Phimosis, also urinary tract infections coming and and forth. Iive in Albania therefore you would not be able to know it even if i told you.

Sanju1987 profile image

Dude..its Normal...Healing takes time...I'm currently in my 35th day Post Circumcision...I also has sensitive glands...but now it has reducesd to a great extent...I can touch and feel it the moment i rub it...still there is some sensation i could feel....but im sorry to tell...the Penis head would become numb....and you will lose the pleasure touch which you can get while having foreskin.....this is the drawback...

Rood_A profile image

Considering all the pain and discomfort you have suffered... if you had a choice, would you do it again?

Ariu profile image
Ariu in reply to Rood_A

Yes, this time simply i will not be overconfident and choose local anesthesia but general one which you won't have to deal with it at all. First night was a bit painful, second one was way way better no pain at all just sensitive head, third atm i even bumped my penis on the toilet and barely felt it, my penis looks thicker and the supposed size (it looked smaller because of the tight foreskin), also peeing got much better. Now i am just waiting for the stiches to fall and then will rest for 3 weeks to start masturbatiny again.

Heythere33 profile image

Hey I got circumcised on sept 8 my doctor injected anesthesia around the base of my penis I didn't feel a thing for about 3 or 4 days. I'm currently 32 soon to be 33 if the lord wills it. Man the hardest part are erections they will wake you up. You may scream 🙃 im currently in no pain but still swelling im a tab bit worried my penis looks smaller and I feel like she left to much skin but she says its just swelling. Remember pain is just weakness leaving the body

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