Hi I had a circumsison around 9 weeks ago and I can't get fully erect? The head won't get blood properly, it's just like the shaft starts to but never end with a full erection ? I'm worried I'd it stays like this I won't be able to have sex also viagra dosnt make it come out either and I'm getting really pissed off 😤 anyone had a similar problem?
Cant get full erection after my circu... - Men's Health Foru...
Cant get full erection after my circumsision
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Hey there, hope you're okay. I definitely had some worries in the early weeks about strength of my erections post-op - as much a mental issue as it was a physical one. But they eventually came back strong. I'd definitely speak to your doctor or urologist about this issue, mate.
How long did it take to stretch ?
Truth be told, it's still stretching and the skin is still getting used to it's new jobs. Sometimes I go up and there's no twinges, others it feels like it needs to be moisturised. We all heal at different rates. I'd definitely consult your doc or urologist. Is your glands a normal colour when you're erect? Any blueness?
Like the previous answer, I had a problem getting fully erect early on. Your penis has taken some punishment during the procedure and takes a while to get back to normal.You mentioned redness round the bottom of the head. Does it feel really tight there? Might benefit from some E45 cream or coconut oil to moisturise it. I would go see your doc to put your mind at rest because you don't get much post op advice before you're sent home
is your issue with all forms of stimulation or just manual?
Yeh dude doesnt feel like my cock is as impressive as it used to be pre circ and that was 2 years ago. I def think you should give it 6 months to properly heal and you should be doing the reconsults with your treating surgeon/Urology specialist.
Im in the boat where I have Libido and erection issuses and Ive lost alot of sensitivity. Im going to get Doctor to try and send me to a specialist no idea what kind will help but ED/erection issues in men is much bigger than anyone thinks and alot men are ashamed and don't talk about it.
Hi Sorry to hear about your erections. Can I please request you to read my concerns following the same procedure on 23 Jan 2023, more than 16 months ago. Since this procedure was carried out, I have been completely, totally and wholly grounded with no erections. I used suffer from ED, but was 75% active, 25% inactive, now suffering from hypersensitivity, no energy left to masturbate, there is no flow of blood to maintain any erections, hence no erections. Nothing helps me, such Viagra, vacuum pump, cavertjet injection etc. The reason I had the circumcision was that I was frightened by the consultant (I had gone to see him for the ED) that with the tight foreskin, phimosis, I might develop cancer, hence went for this procedure, no risks were explained. I never had any pain, suffering, bleeding or any other symptoms with the tight foreskin, I enjoyed my sex life to a certain degree and extend.
Is your erection just not hard or is it full and just tight?
You can read my posts about the same problem,im on my 8 week and still facing the same issue.If you have the same symptoms as me,please write me in dm!
Buddy I had no problems with erections in fact morning erections made it a bit painful for me. Frankly I think it's in your mind , but to ensure there is no medical problem consult a urologist .Most importantly don't take any tensions .Trust me foreskin has nothing to do with the. Blood flow to penis ,if you have further doubts please do share I will do my best to answer you with my own experience.Alright take care buddy
Maybe one thing, did you get night erections which are part of the recovery process and were they full erections or part? Also what were you like before you had the cut?
I suggest you consult a doctor.
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