What are the chances for it to go away after some time?
5 months after circumcision. Scarline... - Men's Health Foru...
5 months after circumcision. Scarline still bumpy, any ideas how to get rid of this?
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Those are stitch tracks, not likely to disappear. They might smooth out a bit.
So, what am i to do then to make them go away?

Nothing you can do.
What do you mean? Its not like somethings missing. There is just to much of skin.. why do you think i cant just cut it off with a scalpel or something?

Talk to a doctor. A plastic surgeon can help with this. Dont just go around cutting your skin
It was a state clinic, and no the stiches were not in for for long, maybe 2 weeks at most and then they took them off, but i had these bumps just right after the operation.. The urologist told me abaout 2 moths ago that it will settle down after some time but im not seeing any progess. I'm not planning to spend like 2000e on plastic surgery, so at this point i'm pretty sure that i'm gonna cut them off by myself and wait for wounds to heal.. i know its not gonna be perfect and might leave a noticable scars, but its definitly gonna be alot better.. i just dont want it to look bumpy, i dont mind the scars or slight discoloration
Scar tissue. Doctor didn’t line up the skin edges very well and he tied the sutures very tight- the skin bulged from the tight suture and healed that way. See a urologist that specializes in cosmetic circumcision revision before you try to cut them off yourself. That would be dangerous (think infection) and downright painful! You will probably end up cutting only a few before you realize it hurts so bad and have made an absolutely terrible mistake. Leave it to a professional with experience in circumcision revision. I understand the doctor and nurse can tell you it “healed” as obviously, the skin did what it’s supposed to do when it was cut open, but what does your doctor have to say about the way it looks? That is your concern and from your previous post, they brushed off your concerns telling you it’s “normal, and nothing to worry about.”
How does it look flaccid?
Mine was slightly like this, less but same bumps. I did bio oil twice a day for months and it honestly did help a lot! Idk if it will fix completely but definitely helps. If you have a lot of excess skin you might have to get it removed later on once you’ve fully healed.
I did bio oil for aboit two months and all it did is made bumps softer, and maybe they would be anyway. Doctor said that i am fully healed and he said everything is normal and that in time it will settle down but i dont believe that beacuse in months there is like zero progress. So i think it is definitly excess skin that needs to go one way or another..

I mean again, your bumps are much severe than any I had. The bio oil does help smooth out but in your case you might need to go back to get some removed. I know it sounds annoying but you really should wait out a full year to see how your skin stretches and improves. A lot of people on here expect for your penis to magically look 100% after 3-4 months...
I am in the exact same boat. Some sutures came out and so the healing left me with those flaps on one side. I can deal with the discoloration but the little flaps are intolerable.
I think I’m going to wait it out until a year, then will pursue cosmetic revision.
Yeah i feel the same way, i dont even mind if there is like a scar thats noticable or the colors are a bit different, but these bumps look awful as hell its ridiculous that they are existing.. i too will give it some more time to go away but if they dont believe me im ready to take tings in to my hands so to say.. its just skin it can be cut of and it wil leave a scar probablu but i dont mind i just want it all to be flat.. and i know its gonna hurt like hell but my will to get rid of them will be stronger
Dont F with it. Give it extra time to settle down. 5 months post circ is not very long it will fade with time. Try applying scar removal gel such as Mederma. You really got nothing to lose at this time. What ever you do dont try to surgically fix it your self. Leave that to a specialist with experience to fix.
Best of luck.
I have some to. I will talk to my doctor in 2 weeks about this also. I have see people here having very nice cut.
I had shit like this and this is my f***g horror for years. After tryin all oils etc. I went to the best doc in my country to fix this and he cut out this scar... Of course I have another one but it was a huuuuuuge difrence, very nice effect because doc was so on point.. then a little LASER cosmetics, and its f.... perfekt!
Im glad you got it sortered out man! I wont even mind if there is a scar i just need to get rid of the awful bumps
Hey man I have the same problem, how has your recovery been recently?