I have circumcisioned for 4 months. Everything is ok but it still swelling alot. The doctor said it will take up to 1-2 years to recover. Is it truth? I'm 30 years old now. How can i heal it faster. Will it recover after 1 years? Thanks 😞 Worry so much. Pls give me some advices 😖
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Help 4 months after circumcision - still swelling
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Hie man, lm 18 weeks now l have been the same like you,but slowly the swelling is going away.lm sure the healing is just a bit slow because they say we heal at different speed,just try to wear clothes which are not tight esp your underwear to allow blood to flow freely.stay positive and be patient good lucky.
I would go see another doctor
Hey mate, be patient, I had a swelling and it went away at the 8th month, took quite a lot, but gotta be patient... you'll see it will look just fine. cheers!
is there any pain when touching or living with the penis swollen?
hows it going bro swelling reduce at all? I just got circumcised and have swelling very similar to you
U have frenulum.
Does it dissipate during erection?
Hi man, I m 4 weeks now, but yours is looking critical. I don't have such swelling, it is drying fast. You take medicine, which can dry the deposition causing such sweeling
Did the swelling go away man? Mine looks like that from below the stitches
Whats your present situation?
How’s it going happyguy90. Has your swelling gone down. Mines looks similar I got mines on sept 2020 and not much has changed it looks similar to yours.