Hi i have a very small penis,when erected was just five and half inches,now its four and a half,and never gets rock hard anymore how has it shrunk ??
small: Hi i have a very small penis... - Men's Health Foru...

Don't worry about size. You're in the normal range, and with time it will be the same as was before.
im still using my strecher,see hows it goes
How is that going? I have an electric pump.

its working theres a slight improvement
It's only temporary, mate! I was a little nervous after my circumcision. I'm here to help guys by reassuring them that most these things will clear up with time.
i think i will try viagra first see how that goes
I think if you’re struggling to get hard it’s worth seeing a doctor or urologist. They might be able to help. 5 and a half inches is actually exactly average size so your original size is totally normal.
Mine is about 2 inches flaccid and 5 hard. I blame being circumcised

grrr i yhink we should sue them
I want to just get it back. Bet my dick would be better off. U have urs?
no i got mine removed years ago
Hi don't worry about the size if you are 5 and a half that is the average and it's how you use it but if you are having trouble with erections go see the doc good luck
Normal average mine is same size as yours it not the size it's how you use it good luck
its four and a half now..thats not good enough