Ive had this for a while now and it doesnt seem to be getting any better, its probably getting worse. To make things worse I dont know what it is or if it is serious and requires treatment. Does anyone actually knoenwhat is happening here?
Small blisters on the glans - Men's Health Foru...
Small blisters on the glans

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There seems to be what looks like blood collections below the skin surface of the glans. Not sure as to why you have taken so long to go to a doctor. I would suggest you get help as soon as possible as it doesn't seem normal . We can't help diagnose it for you but can encourage you to get help. This definitely requires treatment and in my opinion , the earlier the better. All the best !
Two weeks ago you were advised to see a doctor (you could also attend a sexual health clinic). Did you take our advice onboard? We are not doctors and cannot diagnose your problem.
I agree with Velcro93
There is no point posting repeatedly about this and not seeking the medical help you have been advised by many to do.
It’s not going to go away. Don’t be frightened to see a doctor.
I had a blister like that and i popped it. Put Neosporin on it. It just looks real tender right now assuming you had a circumcision recently. I started looking it up online and i thought i had herpes. You are probably masturbating too much too soon.
Don't ask us to reassure you right into a coffin! Doctor or hospital! Tomorrow!
Hi Man, you need to see a doctor straight away it's not something that should be left any longer. I'm not sure if you are circumcised or not but you seem to have Meatal stenosis do you find it difficult to urinate this could possibly be caused by lichen sclerosus or BXO. You really do need to see your doctor as soon as you can.