Greetings, my name is Mike.
I joined the community because I am isolating. I have a support team, including a psychiatric nurse practitioner, psychologist, a friend, and a family member. I am a dual-diagnosis alcoholic and attend virtual meetings. I have not yet formed relationships with any individuals in my virtual meetings, but I believe this is my only current outlet that can actually provide the support I need.
What I need are peers that share in similar challenges as me. If you are like me, there is something missing from the relationships I have now. I can tell my therapist anything, but there is always that clinical boundary. With my friend and family member, I can only share some things. From my experience, these relationships are necessary, but not sufficient.
I believe that seeking support is necessary, but I also think that providing support is necessary, in order for me to truly progress in my mental health.
My hope is that the community here is conducive to building this kind of relationship with others.
I hope this message resonates. I am paranoid that the way I express myself, particularly in written form, but also in my speech, is awkward: too technical and hard for others to relate to.
Thanks for reading,