I have struggled with depression for years. I am just tired to having it. I recently found out that I need to have surgery. Today I found myself thinking about finding a support group. I am a little better since I found this support group. I want to share something I just don't know what to say. It is a little comforting to know that I can share here, and that I am not alone.
What to write: I have struggled with... - Major Depressive ...
What to write

I'm glad you found your way here cardinal47, and I hope your surgery goes well. Everything we can do for ourselves, no matter how small, can make a difference. I know firsthand, as I'm sure many other's that come here to post have found, what a huge difference it can make not to feel so alone in what we face daily.
About 2 weeks ago I had a hip replacement surgery which went quite well, and I went home the same day. I'm already walking on my own for short distances, and after a follow-up with my doctor next week I hope to be driving again. It amazes me how well the surgery went, but in all honesty what freaked me out more before getting it was the thought of being housebound for longer than I have been in my lifetime, and not being able to drive anywhere for this long. I've always counted on being active to keep my depression and anxiety at bay, and I knew this would be the hard part. It's proved to be as hard as I thought it would be, but at least now there's light ahead. It's why I came here tonight, to not feel so alone.
I often come here just to read other's posts, and would like to share, but like you I often just don't know what to say. I didn't intend on posting anything tonight, because I'm just feeling so emotionally exhausted. It was a terrible day for me unfortunately. After reading for awhile I found the energy to share, but I have to admit I had to force it. Now I'm glad I did, if only for tonight. So if you learn anything here, which I think you already have, you're not alone. Mere statistics will tell you that, but we're not just statistics. We're all individuals that are worthy of other people's attention, and yes, at times that's what we all need, some attention. So again, welcome here and come back often. If you didn't know what to say tonight, that's fine, I'm sure it will come when you're ready. Someone will be here to listen. You are NOT alone.
Thank you Mofro for your post. I understand everything that you posted, everything!!! And I empathize with you. I am so glad you shared. It gives me hope for my recovery. My mind knows this is going to help, but my heart, doesn't want to do this. I just got some things for activities that can get me out of my home. I am a homebody, and sedentary. I want to get out and start doing things. I was just about to start looking for a job. Now this. My mind is Yes, and my body is No!! Talk about an internal struggle. I live upstairs, and I do not want to be housebound either. But also, Mofro a lot of it is my pride. I have had to ask for help, and needed help so much in the past, and I just don't want to have to ask anymore. I found a knee replacement support group. I think that will be of help. I am sorry to unload, just a lot bottled up. It is a blessing reading your post. I understand feeling emotionally exhausted. I am sorry that you had a terrible day. I am glad you were able to share, it really helps. Hearing from someone who has just been through replacement surgery. I hope today and each day you feel better. And continue to have a good and timely recovery. I hope that you get to start driving soon. You are right. we are not statistics. And we are worthy of people's attention. Mofro you are so worthy and appreciated!!! And you are not alone. And like you shared, if you don't know what to say, or don't feel like you can share, it is okay. Have a blessed day and take it easy. And remember to give yourself grace!!!
Surgery is nothing anyone looks forward to. I had to keep telling myself it was going to be for a better future and push myself, even though I knew that I'd be more isolated even more than usual for an extended period. I too, have a very hard time asking anyone for help. I like to be independent, and maybe it's partly my pride as well. After hitting bottom the last couple of days, I had good news today when I went for my 2 week followup to my surgery, and was told by my Dr. that I could drive again. I don't know how I would have handled it if I heard otherwise, as I felt I was at a breaking point. I'm already walking without a walker or a cane, but it will take awhile to get back the strength and energy I had before the surgery. I was able to go home the same day of the surgery, and this may sound strange, but while I was there I found it comforting to feel I was getting some type of attention, which I rarely feel I get. I did have to let go of some of my pride then, and realize as we get older we'll have to do it more and more. It's amazing what they can do these days . I'm glad to hear you found the knee replacement support group, and you know you can always come here as well. Let us know how you're doing!
You are not alone. We are here for you.
It's good to have a place to come where others understand depression. It helps me to know people believe what it's like because they have lived it.
Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery.
Welcome, Cardinal 47, not a place anyone wants to be, but it does help with the loneliness of depression. Lots of nice people here too so anytime you want to share we’re all here for you.
Good luck with your surgery.
I hope your surgery goes well and I pray for your speedy recover. I joined here today not knowing what to expect and what to say about myself or to others. It’s a relieve to know that I am not the only one who feel this way. I hope all of us here get some support and hope to help us through our days

Welcome to the community.
thank you Lilyannepuppy

Sometimes our pain is so great it's impossible to find the words. Even when I think I know what I want to say and write the words, I often come away feeling I missed the mark. Glad you found this group.