Feeling Sadness all the time. In the past it would let up some during the day but it has been a long time since I've had some relief. Does anyone feel like this?
Feeling my lowest lately : Feeling... - Major Depressive ...
Feeling my lowest lately
I too feel sad all the time. I have brief moments of not sad but not really happy, if that makes sense, but that isn’t that often. It’s dark, cold and gloomy here during the day, so that doesn’t help either. I wish I had some advice, but I don’t. Just know that you are not alone in feeling this way.
Rufus, I am going through the same thing and anytime you might want to reply I would welcome that. I find that on my crippling depression and anxiety that connecting on some level with all those I can aids me to get through moments of very difficult days.Sincerely, Eric
Crippling anxiety and depression….exactly what I’m going through now
Please hang in there each moment. There's completely free guided breathing exercises with soft meditations on Othership and Shivarasa.I feel for you. You're not alone. I know that may sound cliché but there are people like myself who understand it because we live it. Feel welcome to communicate anytime, anything.
🫶 Sincerely, Eric
true i wish though to feel sad -----a bit i dont knw - best wishes - its tough as we have to live in prisons to get anything done i feel desperate ................but then its only illusion this world and self - no ones happy really
I know that feeling because I live it. I feel for you and anytime you feel like communicating anything please reach out. I will have continuous exchange because I need it and if I can offer support to a fellow sufferer all the better.Sincerely, Eric
I feel like I keep hitting my lowest point despite my efforts to keep trying and not give up on life. I understand. Even when I have good interactions I don’t trust them, and they are far overshadowed by my negative thoughts about neutral/poor actions and decisions. Someone close to me suggested ignoring the negativity and choosing to believe in and focus on the good, even if it might not be true. It helped me realize that those who don’t suffer with MDD do the same—they just don’t have to fight off negativity and sadness as often or intentionally as we might have to. It is hard when you feel like you don’t have any motivation or energy, but I am choosing to believe that we have to keep practicing and that we will be stronger for it eventually. But trust that I am still in the trenches with you and everyone here. You’re not alone