my story I have been feeling so depressed and alone … I’m 54 years old and spent most of my life helping my family .. now I’m trying to live for myself and I’m lost…I don’t have any kids nor a husband …I’ve been praying but feel like no one cares …I need a friend please
feeling lost: my story I have been... - Major Depressive ...
feeling lost

Me too, I am just trying to find willpower to be
Just exist
My nonverbal disabled son will never have kids
We just existing at the moment
Everyday struggle

Hello friend ..I’m grateful that you have a son.. I don’t have any kids or any one to spend my life with … i wish I had a child .. he is a blessing
Yes he helps me but he low functioning or not quite retarded
I wish I could do more for him and am sad when can’t help him

I think being there for him and helping the best you can is more than enough …
Have you ever thought of volunteering and reading to kids etc

I have but I really want to adopt a child
Then you should adopt
Some kids and disabled kids do need our help

Yea that is want I was thinking the same thing …they really need someone to love them …

Yea I was thinking the same thing …they really need someone to love them and I need someone to love me
I have to go to work but will hopefully talk to you later today or tomorrow

Ok..I hope you have a good day a work …thanks for chatting with me …
If you like live music I've found going to see bands that have inspired and giving me joy is a great escape from the constant depression. I'm from the US and would love to be in the UK seeing shows as that was the music that most inspired my youth. I hope you find some relief.
sorry to hear you feel this way- I think a lot of us can relate. I’m not in a relationship nor do I have children either. Recent reflection on my life circumstances has really highlighted that, for me at least, I’m not in a place where I’d be able to handle those commitments- I think ru Paul said “if you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love Somebody else”— cheesy, maybe but true, totally. I think that the suggestion regarding donating your time to a cause/population that’s meaningful to you would be a great first step. As much as I’d love to have a family I know that the reality of it for me right now is that it’s requires an incredible amount of energy and time, but volunteering to me is so great because if for whatever reason you can’t make the commitment (too anxious, depressed, etc) you’d have to option of not going, unlike a family. Anyway- hope you feel better

thank you for your response. Lately I have to fight to just get out of bed…you have point I have to love myself but I don’t know where to start
I feel your struggle, Ineedelp123 . Im the same. Just turned 41, married but no kids. Im just realizing the last few years that all my life I seem to have just lived for my parents. Following what they wanted, fulfilling goals that were really theirs. Im not sure if thats how it was for you too? But nowthat my mom’s died, I feel lost. I dont know myself at all I feel, I dont have ambitions for me. All my dreams and purpose seem to have been for my parents, helping them with everything and keeping them happy. Now that I have the chance to do things for myself, I feel I dont even have any direction, and dont even have any desire to keep going. I literally dont have dreams for my own self, Im just finding out. Nothing seems to excite me, like that fire in me has died — I feel most days Im just waiting to get old. That everything is pointless.
I hope this feeling passes and we find ourselves one day.
Just know youre not alone in how you feel and I can totally relate with you. 🙏🏻 Prayers for all of us quietly struggling and trying to fight everyday.
hi littlefightingfish…I’m sorry you’re are having such a hard time . I’m here to listen and support you …I lived for my parents as well
how are you feeling today
I’m 54 as well and I’ve been experiencing extreme loneliness for the past three months. This is new to me. My logical mind knows that this will improve, but it’s so difficult while going through it.