Hi everyone.. this is the first time I am posting anything like this, so forgive me if I wander a bit.
I have been a depressed individual for decades, and I know that trauma is the root cause. It all started with my father not being around, and I was so good at dissociating, that I was able to convince myself as a child that it was normal to not have a father in the home, and furthermore, no male figures should be in the home growing up. You have a mother who convinces you of this as well..
Forward a bit to today -- suffering from liver issues that are a stone throw away from failure, mom had a stroke and I live-in help her now with her dementia, and somehow my health stats are pristine according to my doc. I feel good about helping her since she helped me tremendously with all types of problems I went through including legal ones, but I also feel a sense of resentment for her not watching her health better than this, and now she can barely figure out the remote control.
Back to the 1980s... what a wonderful time that was. Since I dissociated and mom helped keep me like that, I had a great childhood because I thought it was normal. I loved video games... nothing made me happier than coming home daily for hours behind the Nintendo and Sega systems, with every game you could imagine. The Sonic series were my favorites, and of course Mario on SNES was always fun. Nothing made me happier than being with my video games, all the way through my schooling and into adulthood as well. It was dissociation that became a lifestyle. I didn't even realize.
41 years on this planet puts things into an interesting perspective... you go through the pandemic, then learn your liver is going to put you in the ground in ~ 10 years or so (if you're lucky), mom's got probably ~ 5 years before the dementia takes her away, and there's literally nothing I can do about either one of these things.. but watch.
I've tried meds, and they do help with the feelings, but the problem there is they wipe out your memory really, and I mean really bad. I'm med free currently, and my mental acuity is back, but so is all of my anguish, my fears, my distrust, my apathy..
but my work was suffering, so meds are out. I won't deny that it is scary realizing how angry I get, but I mostly go silent now, i.e. the "silent treatment." It is true that it is bottling in anger, and this is the best way I know how to deal with anger, as when I show it, too much explodes at those around me, and people rightfully think that I am some type of psycho. I simply keep it inside and scream in the car on the way home, back at home, wherever I have space to.. but that anger still seethes the next day, and it comes into the room at work, where I want to get even with the idiots that did it to me. I did the other day in fact, and got some people in fear of their jobs for saying heinous nonsense with complete disregard for the mixed company they are around.
Sorry, I did say I would wander a bit
Anyway, the trauma side of things.. my sperm donor father is the core cause of everything, and I mean everything that has happened to me. I didn't realize just how much it would affect things, simply by not being around as there was no role model for me to copy, which is what boys need growing up. Even if a shitty stand-in step dad was there, that would have been better than nothing. I do blame mom for that one.. she could have at least had a fuck buddy that came around, so I'd know what a man's purpose was in the home. All types of psychotic confusion ensued, all because mom wouldn't grow the hell up when she had a child, and do the right things to raise that child appropriately for the correct emotional makeup for stability in adulthood.
Father was equally worthless, as he couldn't figure out how to remain calm and make a relationship work, but instead would rather run around with women half his age, while mom was pregnant at home with me. Only a true asshole would do that to a woman he knocked up, told her he wanted a child, and then changed his mind as soon as she was pregnant because she started acting like a bitch (she was pregnant, of course she would be.. especially once she learned he was screwing around on her).
This is just the tip of the iceberg, and I am just now finally coming to terms with all of it. I dissociated so hard my entire life, that I was able to bury these feelings and not face them ever. I wonder why I have so many problems with any relationship, whether that's friendships, family, or lovers.. eventually I betray them all, and I know why now. It's because I was the product of a betrayal and psychological abuse, with two parents who would rather play football with their child than actually raise it together.
Nothing truly makes me happy anymore. Even the things that used to get me through the depression before, are now not really doing it. My games used to be my golden save-the-day any time past time.. now I still play, but it doesn't feel as enjoyable. It's like everything had a shroud of darkness over things nowadays, and that's true whether I'm on meds, not on meds, everything in the world goes wrong one day, or everything is perfect the next.. the darkness is still there.
It is mostly once I found out my liver was going. I could deal with sperm donor not being there... I could deal with mom tricking him into making me.. I could deal with mom's stroke... but once I found out my own health is being impacted too? Yeah, things started feeling different.. it is hard to describe what it feels like, but it's like your mind moves in and out of a fog, and you know it's happening to protect your psyche so you let it. the problem is, if you let it do that too much, your mind gets used to the fog, and the dissociation starts becoming the thing you know the best.
All it takes is a major event happening to kick things into overdrive.. I now have Major Depressive Disorder, and each day feels a little worse than the next in some way because you realize everything happening around you. My major event was the liver news.. it was 3 months after mom's stroke happened. It's like lava spilled onto an acid bath, and then splashed onto me... that's about how this feels now, I'm a year afterwards still dealing with the endless scar tissue.
My only question is what I can do with all of this? I realize now that it has been crippling me my entire life, and I didn't even know it. Can I use this to my advantage somehow? if so, how? There has to be some way to turn all of this negativity into something used for good. That's about the best I can come up with anyway... and that's a snippet of a story in humanity.