I just now have started exploring and trying to help myself after years of suffering in silence. All of this makes me very nervous and on edge all the time. My anxiety spikes because therapists and psychiatrists are poking and asking all kinds of questions. All to come to the specific answer that I have known from day 1 that this all started when I was 13... I am depressed and I also have schizophrenia mixed in. I'm really messed up. I mean really, really messed up... so much so that I don't know anymore if I can be fixed.
suffering: I just now have started... - Major Depressive ...

Yes you can..please keep trying.
Ladyj1221, don't think of it as being fixed, think of it as managing symptoms. We have to manage certain things in our life. This would be one of them. I have been suffering from depression, gad PTSD. I take meds and do therapy. For 40 years now. I have learned that I must manage my psyche. I started to try and pay attention to the negative messages I was telling myself slow controlled breathing through anxiety attacks. Little tiny things you can do. doing a little bit every day towards, what I call, recovery from all these disorders. I finally kind of after all these years realized I suck at managing my emotions. My symptoms. Triggers. My mouth. So that's what I'm doing now is managing certain things.I've been moving forward for 6 months now and I feel a hundred times better than I did a month ago. That's a tiny piece of progress for me. Pat on the back to me. Find something you can pat yourself on the back for. Even if it means just getting out of bed to clean a single dish in the kitchen or just getting off the couch to organize your sock drawer. Give yourself permission to feel good for 5 minutes if that's all you can get. Self care is critical! Good luck
Hi lady j I was just seeing how things are going for you. You followed me thank you very much. I followed you too. Just touching base with you see where you're at if you're still on the website or not. I have been doing fairly well however I noticed I might be slipping a little bit backwards I've slowed down with the volunteering and the meeting the house so regularly. But I am not down I am feeling pretty okay really. I hope things are going well for you share a little bit about yourself if you'd like. I just wanted to check on you. Take care and be wellMontana