Does anyone else struggle with showering? Man, I have such difficulty getting myself into shower. A lot of that is my all or nothing thinking. I see it in my mind as this HUGE task..
that involves disrobing -- "ooh burrr, cold"-- same with shock of water and when I turn off.
Then, there's the
"what am I going to wear?", where I have to face my laundry everywhere or
"what is the weather going to be like?" that affects what I wear, then oh yeah,
"what will I be doing?" also affects what I wear, then choosing something, putting it on and ugh
"its not comfortable, too many confining layers, or colors don't match, and what about shoes?!" Or in summer,
"Yuck, look at my ugly wrinkled arms, cover them up, you look 90, Uargh!"
THEN we move onto hair, lol.
Gotta dry and style my hair, and of course
lotion and face moisturizer (I live in the desert), then makeup while we are at it (the all or nothing thinking).
Then what TIME is it? (Since I've never been on time for anything in my life)
Too late to really do anything?? (stress and frustration),
"Seriously?" I say,
"Its too late to even go to the grocery store?? (Happens more often than you know, and I'm usually lucky if I can get out of the house before dark).
Because I have to go out somewhere, otherwise "what was the whole point of taking a shower and getting cleaned up in the first place?!" I think to myself.
And so it goes.. this is how I can postpone showers for way too long.
If I'm not going anywhere, its one more thing I can put off and procrastinate about, as it sits like a lead balloon in the back of my mind, weighing me down with all the other things I can't seem to get done.
*And btw, I have never washed my hair every day, and I don't know who I'm putting make up on for.. (yeah I do, its for me, but at what cost to my life in time is the question!) But that vision of all that is hard to change, because by the time I get around to a shower, I DO need to do all that because I usually have to get out for something mandatory. (Thank God or I may never showe.. shhhhh)
Ive always battled with that "all or nothing thinking".
Anyone else have this shower problem? Or all or nothing thinking?
What are your problem behaviors, and how they present themselves? And how do you deal with them - or not?😄