I go to group therapy and for me it's like torture. I am socially anxious and being in a group is making my mind spin. I feel so alone and not worthy of getting help. I feel like i'm such a loser. I feel that people only put up with me. I was teased and belittled in my childhood and it feels like i've made no further progress since then. To me it feels like other people seem to have a much easier time getting to know other people than i do. Its like pulling teeth when i try to engage in group therapy. I feel so alone. Do other people feel this way? What have you tried to help the situation? I am thinking of quitting group therapy its gotten so hard for me.
Alone : I go to group therapy and for... - Major Depressive ...

hi, tilly, i am usually a quiet person, totally awkward in social settings. Group therapy is different for me as I feel like I can exhale and let my crazy out/ be myself. you are in a group of people who are struggling with their own issues openly. put on a hat and coat and those are your protective gear, so you are safe. next session try sharing for real.-hug-
I had a really bad experience with group therapy once - the facilitator of the group has to really pay attention to make sure everyone feels safe. I also was teased and belittled - and beat up repeatedly - in different ways by my 5 older siblings who all had their own mental health issues. Be sure the group is a safe space for you. Mine wasn’t. A couple of individuals took out their issues on me in the group and the facilitator seemed to think this is what they needed in order to deal with their issues, so he didn’t step in. It set me back so much. But I hope not all groups are like that. Be open but also pay attention to what you feel when you are in the group. With the right support, even if it’s painful, it might help to address your social anxiety. Try telling the group facilitator in a private conversation about your experiences. For me, I realized that the failure of the facilitator to create a safe space dug up feelings about how my parents didn’t protect me either. It took a few more years of 1-1 therapy to deal with those issues, but I am happy to say that I can cope with it much better now. You can get through this whatever happens.
Both bother me but its the nervousness. The anxiety that if someone talked to me i wouldn't know what to say. Usually in groups i'm in and out. I mean it's hard for me to concentrate on the conversation. I'm so worried about doing or saying something "wrong". I just want to fit in so badly. I just want a friend who i could talk to or do things with. Im trying to get out of my apartment more. I do work part time which is bizarre to me that i can be a cashier say hi to strangers at work. But when i am alone in the public i freeze up. Its like there are 2 different people in the same person. The work me and then the home me. I don't know if that makes any sense at all?