Hi is anyone on aripiprazole? I have bedn prescribed low dose for depression. Google says it is antipsycotic. Anyone know about it?Thanks
Aripiprazole and depression - Major Depressive ...
Aripiprazole and depression
I’m on Aripiprazole. I was prescribed it because I was having some kind of psychotic break where I was hallucinating, and my thinking was off. Apparently people with real bad depression can hallucinate, which I never knew before, but anyway Aripiprazole is a mood stabilizer, which now my behavior is more neutral. No more really high highs, or really low lows. I kinda miss feeling a little better than just “okay”, but I can function these days. I don’t think good to be on an antipsychotic for long term. If a person is on it for around a year and they are stable then the provider usually will try & ween you off of it unless you need it permanently. It works well for me, but if you start to feel like a robot with no feelings, then your dose is too high( I wish someone would have told me that when they kept upping my dose) but it is also not without side affects. I get real light headed, a lot, It makes me hot most of the time. Drink plenty of water when you are taking it because it’s easy to get dehydrated on this med. good luck to you !
I have been on a low dose for about two years. It was added to help my mood/depression.
It is classified as an anti psychotic but like other meds it is used for other purposes.
Consider the following if you’re on it long term. It worked very well for me but I’ve been having TD symptoms. So my psychiatrist is weaning me off of it.
“This medication may rarely cause a condition called tardive dyskinesia. In some cases, this condition may be permanent. Tell your doctor right away if you develop any unusual uncontrolled movements (especially of the face, mouth, tongue, arms, or legs).”
Talk to your physician about it.