I am well educated, work in the health field, and on the outside I look like I have it together, but internally I have so much sadness. Can anyone else relate? My mind just keeps overthinking and I can't just focus on the day and enjoy it. I sometimes think life is long. I also self isolate. When I'm not working I am alone. I don't want to socialize or put in the effort to do so. It's a lonely place.
High Functioning Depression - Major Depressive ...
High Functioning Depression

I can relate. I am able to maintain my professional position at work but when I'm not working, most of my time is spent alone. So even if I am taking a walk, its alone. The thought of going to the gym for a group class is daunting these days when once it used to be something that brought me joy. I notice I spend a lot of time watching tv just to hear other human voices but I understand self isolation is something you should try to avoid to make the depression symptoms better. For example, I listened to an audio book called the Depression Cure. Everything the book shares sounds like a miracle cure but getting the energy up to engage in physical and social activities seems like a lot most days. My main goal is to keep a positive mind, to find things to be grateful for and let those be the foundation of where my mind goes. The good thing about work is that it provides some time to socially interact, for example. But yes, I can really relate Bezel75.
I can totally relate. Especially the self isolation.
I want to be connected to others but I don’t — that makes no sense! I feel most at peace when I’m alone. I wouldn’t say I’m lonely but sometimes I feel like I should be socially connected.
It totally makes sense. I feel the same. When I'm alone I feel relaxed. When I am visiting with a friend I feel like have have to be on. It can be exhausting.
I also work in the medical field, and "high functioning" is exactly what a psych NP told me I was recently. He believed that my work had taught me to continue to do things despite my personal feelings, and he thought that this was actually a dangerous trait because I give no sign that I'm suicidal. I get out of bed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and go to work regardless of how completely hollow and hopeless I feel. I can fake it for patients and fellow staff. I don't know how to make anything better, and I'm tired of trying so hard.