Anyone else who suffers from major depression and anxiety have periods (too frequent) where you just cannot control your emotions? No matter what you try. During really difficult patches for me the tears just flow and flow. No let up at least a few times a day when things are really rough. Some things I have read say just let it happen and don’t try to fight the emotions. Not sure if this a good thing or not. Anyone else with the constant crying problem have a good way to deal?
Depression and emotions : Anyone else... - Major Depressive ...
Depression and emotions

Hi, I find a funny show/movie so I can laugh or music to sing with or dance. This seems to help me most of the time.
I have been feeling the same way too today I must of cried 5 times..
I go through the same thing often. I usually lay down any listen to music that calms me down, or I try to find something I can do with my hands like a coloring book or something and listen to an audiobook to distract myself
i’m sorry that you are having problems with controlling your emotions. I hope others will be able to give you answers on how to deal with what you are going through.
I’ve been having the same problem. I’ve had depression since childhood and it can get very bad to the point of having dark thoughts. Today is a very bad day for me. My emotions are just so strong right now. It’s very hard to cope.
I hope things get better for both of us.
Yes, I do. Eventually they aren't as extreme. Meanwhile is the part that's too much for me.
Absolutely. I'm going through that and have for quite some time. I sometimes just feel so bad with the anxiety/depression and grief, that I just fall into a crying Jag, that may go on for several hours. I think the the biggest problem is dealing with the guilt about dealing or not dealing with the fear. But that's what makes everything worse. I suspect guilt is much of the basis of my fears so I tend to consider that to be the more immediate area of focus. But everyone's different, that's just me.
I usually just let the tears come and talk to someone I trust but I get it, it's really hard