Hi. I just joined the group. I have been on various antidepressants for 40 years now. When one stops working they switch it to another. They used to work for 5-10 years but in the last few years nothing seems to be working well. I am now on 4 (Trintellix which worked great for about a year, Fetzima, Paxil & just started Rexulti). I am 58. Has anyone else developed this Treatment Resistant depression after many years.? What have you done? My psychiatrist recommends TMS (he does it) but I have a history of seizures & am afraid to try it.✌️
Treatment Resistant depression - Major Depressive ...
Treatment Resistant depression

Yup. TRD here. Nothing has worked. I am now seriously meditating to some good results, am ready to try TMD. TRD for 60 years. Self medicated with alcohol until it got the best of me. Wow, what a long and bumpy ride. I wish you well!
Yup me right here with you. I was on Cymbalta for years over 10 years if more it worked great but I say a year and a half ago I've tried so many antidepressants I don't know what to do anymore. I even tried some of the ones they add on to your current antidepressant Abilify Rexulti I did feel a little better on them but the weight gain and some anxiety came with it too
I have been suffering from chronic depression for decades. I did not respond to TMS but I have had some success with Ketamine IV infusions. Accepting my disease has been the hardest thing in my life. In the beginning of treatment in 1990 I thought Therapy would cure me. I did not understand that some types of Depression don't go away. I have been going to online support groups at LiveWell. The groups are free.
It's been decades of suffering for me too. I had Ketamine as anesthesia and I felt great for months afterwards. I can't afford them. My insurance company just denied me Spravato treatments. I'm going to appeal it and get my doctors to write letters. It's just so hard to do everything. $5,000. for Spravato vs. $500. for Ketamine but nobody will fork out the money to do clinical studies for Ketamine because they can't make money off of it. Such bs. I'm too depressed to deal with it. My income is limited to SSI for disability and I'm barely getting by. That doesn't help either. My dogs help a lot. I just got a free membership to a meditation group and I haven't been able to get through the first lesson. Cymbalta is crapping out on me like every other antidepressant that worked. I'm tired of trying new meds. I hope the Spravato will help. From what I've read, I think the Ketamine is better.
It is terrible that Medicare won't cover Ketamine. My Mom has been kind and has been paying for my Treatment. A friend said Medicare will cover Spravato but I doubt it. I have had 14 Ketamine sessions and I am still suffering from Symptoms. So it's not a cure. No treatment or therapy has ever cured the cruel self talk I get everyday. My sister gets similar symptoms of self hatred. Our childhood was bad. I do find meditation helpful. I recommend the Waking Up app. It has great talks by Spiritual teachers.
That's the subscription that I received! I signed up and paid a partial amount. The next day, I realized I had made another financial mistake and I wrote them and explained my situation and asked for a refund. I told them I would join again when things got better. They gave me the money back in a couple of minutes (faster than any company that I've ever dealt with) and gave me the subscription for free. I cried. It was so kind of them! Sorry to hear that Ketamine isn't helping all of that much. My childhood was abusive and traumatic. I found a lot of relief when I went to adult children of alcoholics (addicts, abusers, parents (lol) etc.) I went religiously for a couple of years and it really helped. That was many years ago when I was still learning that the world is not your family. I have said that if I wrote a book about my life, I'd have to label it as Fiction because I don't even believe it myself.
Hi Bumpky, my psych has recommended the magnetic fields too but I’m wary of them and it’s a bit scary agreed. . I think I’ll stick with meds .
Do TMS. I did. It really helps. Also look into Ketamine.