Does anyone else here feel like they have been dealing with their depression for so long and you've tried everything such as every medication and therapy and even residential treatment programs multiple times? I've been dealing with depression for four years now and am at a loss. nothing is helping anymore and i feel like i'm running out of options. Anyone have any advice?
Treatment Resistant Depression - Major Depressive ...
Treatment Resistant Depression

Hello and Welcome. I am glad you have joined us. Hopefully you will find something helpful here. Sometimes it helps just to talk to people who understand.
I haven't been able to work for three years now. TMS, ketamine, inpatient, outpatient, dozens of doctors and therapists. I want to give up. I have given up. Still I keep trying. The first thing I would say, and am saying to myself again this morning, is that everything matters and everything has an impact. The second thing I would say is that nothing actually matters all that much. Sorry for the word salad. How did you sleep last night? What can you today to help you sleep better tonight? Honestly, I think the quality of the sleep is the most consequential thing for the quality of my mental health and I am certainly not alone l, and forgetting to take my medications until later in the day is often a contributing factor to my poor sleep. Second, do you think you are providing your body with the nutritional ingredients to be healthy? I try to avoid the religious debates about diet, what I strive for is to be happy with the food choices I make for myself. There is actually sone fascinating studies that support the idea that if you think good is bad for you it will be more likely to be stored as fat/adipose tissue. Third, are you moving your body and giving it sunlight and connecting with other people or animals? I don't like the word exercise, but just walking outside even for a bit is better than staying in bed for days like I have done for months. Often I don't like people, but I find even cuddling with my cat, which she ee me to be able to tolerate for about 10 seconds at a time, gives me a boost. Lastly, medications take time. Just because they are not having an impact that you are noticing at the time does not mean that they are not having an effect, and effects ar almost never linear. For example, I attend therapy session after therapy session and nothing changes and then everything changes, maybe I just like the word punctuated equilibrium, but then again nothing changes. Anyways, I am not one to be giving advice, but I do encourage you to keep trying and trying. Best wishes.
Good morning, I have been fighting depression for over 40 years. I have ridden all of the rides in the crazy park. Depression is an illness not a choice. Give yourself a break. Others who don't have depression will not understand. Remember this when others say things like, just be happy. Okay, now one thing you need to try is clean eating. I use an app called YUKA it is free. you scan the barcodes of food and it rates food from 0 to 100 bad to , poor to good to excellent. it shows you why a food is good or bad. Getting the chemicals out of my diet gave me a lift from my depression that has remained good. Relief on any level is welcome. Finally work on acceptance. I am here now, I am doing my best, I am grateful for all of my body just as it is...... This helps you let go of other's expectations and even some of your own. I hope this helps.
Since it shows your age (might want to know about settings) I can say that's when I learned the most about strategies that stick with me all these years later. Depression wants you all to itself. It can suck you into a black isolated place where nothing but you and your depressing negative thoughts and beliefs can consume you.
My solutions:
never have a TV in my bedroom.
Be aware of the pull to isolation, and do what you can to reach out, accept calls, stay connected. (My friend used to use a line from Poltergeist( maybe?) "Go toward the light, Carol Anne!"
Remind yourself that depression is like a big black cloud over your head, while others are in the sun. It clouds your perception, rains on your thoughts and feelings, and can cause flash floods. So, be aware, remind yourself that depression can distort what feels absolutely real and true in the moment. But, they can't be trusted, so don't assume they are accurate. Just recognize them without necessarily believing them. This is particularly important if death appeals to you as much as it does to me.
Go outside in nature every day, and be part of it, even for 10 minutes. That's what's real.
hang in there it’s been 18 years for me.. try to find ways to get your energy level up as much as possible and try to find things to do that you enjoy… some days you really have to push yourself… I journal, use affirmations, listen to podcast, read self help books, listen to my body and rest when I need to protect my energy.. learning to pick my hard.
I’m also very spiritual so draw closer to God… pray and meditate daily.
Hope this helps