The Snodsbury Scramble, a trail run of a little more than 10k, was not as wild as Shakespeare had Burgandy describe the countryside, but it was a tough run and a big challenge for me. My experience of running trails is very limited but I have been trying to learn to take shorter strides and keep my weight balanced over my feet. This friendly village event was mostly off road with long grass, ploughed fields, stony, rutted lanes, dark woodland and very uneven ground. There were wobbly stiles, bridges, gates and hunt jumps to negotiate as well. The lovely Marshals were friendly and encouraging but it was also very warm. Lots to think about.
I set off towards the back of about 85 runners and the pack disappeared up the road in a matter of moments, but there were others behind me, I did overtake 2 people and never saw the tail runner. I practiced my off-road techniques and managed to get about 2.5k into the run when the field I was in was very uneven underneath the long grass. I could feel my ankles twisting and felt very insecure. I dropped down to a walk. I negotiated a very wobbly stile and stayed in walk along the narrow edge of a ploughed field until it moved across on to the dirt. It too was very uneven and soft to run on. This was how the run progressed with me running when I could and walking when I didn’t feel safe, all punctuated with more stiles and narrow wooden ditch bridges (definitely can’t run over those). It was hard to find a rhythm but I was making progress. Just over half way was a drink stop and I stood in the shade to drink my water then got back on the trail. Running on these different surfaces was very tiring and the heat was also playing a part, but I kept going and eventually crossed the line to receive my cute wooden medal. Not my fastest by a long shot, but I felt like I had achieved something.
I learned a lot today, which is a good thing as I have another trail run to do later in the year!