As many of you know I’ve been doing a lot of cycling lately as I prepare for a big event next month. I was unable to join you all on Sunday as it was a recovery day after a hilly 100k ride the day before (I didn’t feel too bad but knew it was important to rest). I was however quite envious of you all and really wanted to join the party. I had also offered up a tune for the playlist and wanted to hear what others has selected. Today I was scheduled to join my bRUNch club for a 5k trail run with coaching and this gave me an idea. What if I did a 5k road run before the trail run, that would be 10k. Linda assured me I wasn’t too late to sign up, so it seemed as though I was in.
This morning I sorted out two pairs of running shoes and headed off early to my planned spot on the quiet roads just East of Worcester. I set off from Shell Ford on my first 5k. I was having some tech problems (Spotify would not play) and as I turned the corner onto Stoney Lane, I dropped to a walk so I could delete the app and reinstall it, thankfully it worked and I was now getting music in my ears. Surprisingly this need to walk to resolve a problem all happened on the hill (of course I would have run it otherwise - perhaps…maybe..never) leaving me a gentle downhill to run back to the car. I knew my circuit would not be enough so, as planned I headed back towards Stoney Lane and then turned around and returned to the car. 5.03k done at a respectable average pace of 7.5 mins per km. I had a 5 minute drive and a change of shoes and I was back running, this time with a group and in a wood. It had dried up since last month so not quite so much mud, and we were doing our best to listen to our coach’s advice on Stacking, Scanning, Lifting and Relaxing. Out of the wood we saw two hares chasing each other about and then one of our ladies squealed as one jumped out of the long grass under her feet. They were beautiful to look at with their amazing black ears. Some sheep were waiting by the gate as we left the fields and headed along the canal path, we then headed over the railway crossing and back towards the wood. A beautiful field of buttercups offered an amazing photo opportunity before we were back in the wood and hopping over logs and tree roots. My watch declared 5k but we still had a bit to go. Eventually we reached the car park, 6.6k completed at a much steadier average pace of 9.13 mins per km.
I did not have the playlist for the trail run as I had company, but am looking forward to hearing some more at parkrun on Saturday. Thank you to all those involved with organising the event and preparing the playlist. So glad to have been able to take part.