I recently got my eyes dilated with tropicamide and phenylephrine on October 9th 2017. A week and 2 day's later I say ghost images in light and starburst with and without my glasses. It's November and its still going on. Has anyone else had this same effect and if so did it take time to go away. The eye doctor shows no concern and I'm desperate for an answer
Starburst and ghost image after pupil dila... - Macular Society
Starburst and ghost image after pupil dilation from tropicamide and phenylephrine

Dear Aluc,
Have you been diagnosed with an eye condition and if so, have you noticed any negative impact on your sight?
One consideration is that a high proportion of individuals with some form of sight loss have experienced visual hallucinations at some stage. These visual hallucinations are known as Charles Bonnet Syndrome. What differentiates Charles Bonnet from other types of hallucination is that they only affect the sense of sight. No other senses should be involved. Therefore the individual should not be able to hear, smell or interact with the hallucinations. This is not a mental health or psychological problem. It is purely related to the fact that there is damage to the eye. I have copied a link to our booklet on Visual Hallucinations:
It may be worth ringing your ophthalmologist's secretary and expressing your concerns in the attempt to obtain an explanation. It may be worth asking if what you are seeing may also be linked to Charles Bonnet Syndrome.
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Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further help. The Macular Society helpline is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111.
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Kind regards,
Hi Aluc,
So sorry to hear of your plight! I cannot use phenylephrine at all only the tropicamide. I was so allergic and suffered for days afterward with blood red eyes and heavy yellow discharge that was, to say the least, disgusting. Finally we narrowed it down to the culprit phenylephrine! Thank God because I was miserable thinking this what I had to endure. Now They just use the trop and Im no longer suffering. Maybe yours is a reaction like mine but in a different way or maybe it's something else but I wanted to share my experience if it could help in some way. Best to you and I hope you get much needed answers and relief.
Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time and I think the advice to contact your ophthalmologist is good advice. I just wanted to say that I was at Moorfields earlier this year and they used phenylephrine hydrochloride to dilate my pupils and I suffered a systemic reaction with flushed face, racing heart and weak legs at one point they were about to call the crash team. The point being that this drug can produce reactions, thankfully I recovered but felt horrible for the rest of the day, so perhaps important to get it checked out.
Thank you I went to another eye doctor and they said it gave me dry eyes. Can this be cured
Hi Aluc
Your doctor will be able to prescribe drops for dry eye to instil into your eyes, which should alliviate your symptons. You may be prone to this condition, especially when you are out in wind. In my case some days are worse than others. I feel pain and grittiness most of all in the mornings on waking up. The rest of the day my eyes just feel watery. I have been prescribed Viscotears and they work for me. I doubt that the condition will ever be cured, certainly not as long as all those nasty chemicals of my treatment continues. Having said that, I have the condition in my untreated eye - untreated but monitored, hence dilation of pupil - as well, except it is not painful or gritty. There are many different eye drops on the market. Together with your doctor I hope you find the ones that suits you best.
Good luck!
Have been googling and came across this thread.
I had tropicamide put into only one of my eyes and immediately had a reaction to it. In the time I waited for the drop to take effect I felt nausea, pain, discomfort and sensitivity to light.
Over three months later and having seen so many different people, they now have a strong suspicion the drops have in some way had a reaction to a problem and caused recurrent corneal erosion syndrome.
My eye is worse In the morning a lot of pain, discomfort, sometimes spikes in intensity. Ver sensitive to light and wind etc
They've said my vision is perfect and no other problems.
Wondered if anyone else has had any similar effects? I read in the patient information leaflet that if I get light Sensitivity with pain and discomfort to seek medical advice, which I've obviously done but hoping as my side effects are listed, it's must in some way be a known problem?
Hey Aluc
Mabye a little late but i am having the same problem up here i got my eye pupil dilated and in very next day I started seeing ghosting images so i wanted to know if you got cure from that does tha got away or its still there(if its gone can you plss tell me how you cure that)Please reply
Hi. I have same problem . Were you able to find any cure . Got dialated before a month , still have starbust lights . Please help !
Yeah doctors are pretty stupid and will put stuff in your eyes that can have permanent effects. Ghosting is normal in most people, but this could have been brought on by the Dilation drops. Most of the time doctors say not to worry when the screw up and don’t want to get sued.